27 | Professionals

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Now it was time for Jungkook and San to shine. It was currently 9 pm as they started going towards the entrace of the prison.

"Excuse me, is this prison?" Jungkook asked as guards looked at him.

"Yes, we're not taking visitors this late. You may go home," first one said.

"Actually, we are not visitors. We work here," San replied.

"We didn't see you before so I think that you don't," second guard said.

Jungkook and San smirked at each other and attacked them. Guards reacted fastly as they started attacking too. Jungkook and San hit them on the nape causing them to faint. They smirked and took their ID's. They were professionals at this kind of actions. They grabbed under their shoulders and locked them in one room.

"Everything good?" San asked.

"Yeah, man. Now, let's go back," Jungkook said.

- Time Skip -
Tomorrow, 9:30 am

"Hello sir, how can we help you?" Another guard asked.

"Yes, you may. I'm Jung-hee's brother. I thought that he's working here?" Jungkook asked confused.

Guard looked at him confused, probably trying to remember if he's some famous person.

"He is working here, sir. He just went somewhere. If he don't come back soon, we'll have to find him," guard replied.

"Thank you. We are visitors. Can we see person named Lee Know?" San asked.

"Actually, you have to stay here because we must find Jung-hee first so he could confirm that you're his brother. And you also," guard replied.

They smirked and held their guns. Guards looked at them shocked. When they were about to pull out their guns, Jungkook and San already shot them.


Everyone were at cafeteria eating peacefully. Than after few minutes, someone threw smoke bombs inside shocking everyone. Chan and Changbin held Minho down protecting him from any trouble.

Guards reacted as they said to other prisoners to go back to their cages. They were at least 15 guards in the cafeteria. Chan grabbed his hidden gun and shot two other guards. Other guards looked shocked at their colleagues who were already on the floor, death.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Chan said as they started running.

Three guards yelled behind them, trying to catch them. Changbin hit one guard in the face with his elbow as he groaned and fall on the ground. Chan tripped the second one and shot both of them. They looked behind seeing that the third guard held Minho's arms trying to arrest him. Eventually Minho stepped on his feet with his as guard yelled in pain. Minho punched him in the stomach as he fell on the floor. Chan and Changbin looked at him shocked, even Minho himself was shocked.

The Strength of Love | Minsung ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now