16 | Get out of our house

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Minho rushed to his house and opened the door. When he entered, Felix and Jung-Hwan looked at him. Minho went towards his brother and glared at Jung-Hwan.

"This looks delicious," Jung-Hwan said as he looked at few fruits.

"Yeah, please eat anything you want," Felix said as he looked at his brother.

"Why don't you go back first?" Minho asked.

"I have something to say to my brother," he added as Felix looked at him.

"Nevermind. I'm leaving. Let's meet again in the office, Minho," Jung-Hwan said as he stood up.

"Stay the hell away from my brother. Who the heck do you think you are?" Felix said to him, noticing that this wasn't Minho's boss.

Jung-Hwan laughed and looked at him.

"He's the police commissioner," Minho said as Felix glared at him.

"You!" Felix yelled wanting to hit him but Minho stopped him.

"What were you talking about with my brother?" Minho asked.

"Nothing much. We just met," Jung-Hwan said.

"Get our of our house," Felix warned him, stepping closer to him.

"Minho, you can't avoid me forever, you know that?" Jung-Hwan said as he looked at him.

"Focus on your work, commissioner. I'll sue you and everyone will know who are you in reality," Minho said.

Jung-Hwan laughed and stepped closer to him. Felix pushed him back, glaring at him.

"And how the f*ck do you plan to expose me? A police commissioner? Do you realize what are you going to do?" Jung-Hwan said smirking.

He had the point. There are a lot of people on his side, too many protectors. But what he didn't know was...that if he really wants to go against him and his brother.... he will have to face concequences.

"Get out of our house, now," Minho warned him.

Jung-Hwan smiled like a creep and made his way towards the door.

The Strength of Love | Minsung ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now