21 | Plan

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Minlix finally moved in Han's house. Now, they were safe.

"Hey Han," Minho said as Han turned around to face him.

"Yes sweet--oh sorry. I won't say it," Han said, still feeling guilt.

"I wanted to apologize. I said that I'll come to your birthday but...."

"That is not your fault Minho. I was just confused and shocked. I misundestood the whole situation. Can you forgive me?" Han asked.

"Yes," Minho said and smiled.

"Thank you," Han said as they hugged.

"Aww, sweet doves.We have to get to work," Wooyoung said as he laughed.

Everyone went in the living room and sat beside each other.

"So, I hate to say it, but Minho...you'll have to act like you gave up and like accepted his offer. He may be not believe at first but we still have to do something," Chan said.

"I'll try," Minho said as he sighed.

"We will be right behind you, not literally but you know what I mean. He won't harm you," Han said.

"Yeah," Minho said.

"What will your excuse be, Wooyoung? Jung-Hwan will get suspicious," Felix said.

"That's when we took action. Since he doesn't know us, we'll act like we're on his side. We will spent few weeks with him to collect some data," Jungkook said.

"Will we stay here?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yes. We won't let you out since his men are still 'stalking' you all. I swear that I'll kill him," San said, all serious.

"Me too. This is way too..." Hyunjin agreed not knowing the word to describe this.

"Okay, so we discussed everything. Our plan starts tomorrow," Jungkook said.

The Strength of Love | Minsung ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now