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Chapter 13

Luca's PoV (finally..)

As I stared up at the ceiling of my bedroom, I could feel my stomach rumble in hunger. After Levi had left, I had been cooped up in my room all the time, and no human interaction was achieved in these lonely days. As Light and Charli tried to speak with me, they only received silence or denial from me. I felt guilty about it and decided to punish myself by locking myself in my room and not going outside to eat or see the sun.

Yes, I know. It's bad to not go see the sun or eat every day but I couldn't help it. Guilt was the only thing I felt. My eyes were surrounded with dark circles, indicating that I haven't been able to sleep for a while, and if I ever did sleep, nightmares only consumed my brain.

I looked up at my hair. It was a mess, tangled, and fading into a natural white. Not because I'm stressed or anything, I was just born with platinum blonde hair, which hadn't seemed to fade any darker as I kept on growing, just stayed the same. But the black dye that was implanted in it had started to fade and introduce the hidden platinum locs in my hair.

I huffed out as I heard the begging of my stomach for food. I wondered if Light or Charli were in the house. Are they? The only thing I heard was silence. And the sound of the fan blowing in my room. I looked up and just stared at my ceiling again. All I did was think nowadays as I had broken my phone in frustration.

I let out a quiet sigh before sitting up and looking at my door. I hugged in frustration before standing off of my bed and placing my feet on my comfortable carpet. It was so fluffy that all I wanted to do at that moment was to just collapse onto the ground and go to sleep on the soft rug.

I shook my head before brushing my hair back and staring at the full-body mirror that was placed right beside my bed. My eyes had a red tint to them as I had cried the past days but now, all I felt was nothing. No emotion whatsoever 'miserable' I thought to myself.
I yawned and put my hand over my mouth and looked at my bedroom door. My stomach was demanding food and I couldn't resist the sensation anymore so I approached my bedroom door and placed my hand on the doorknob.

With a hint of hesitation, I turned the doorknob and could hear the sound of the door creaking open. I looked around and saw that no one was in the hallway or living room. I let out a breath of relief and my footsteps could be softly heard as I felt the cold wooden floor beneath my feet. As I walked, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched off.

A shiver went down my spine. As I kept on walking, my vision was filled with brightness as the window to the living room was open and rays of the sun illuminated the room. I squinted slightly before my vision readjusted to the sudden brightness. My eyes darted around the room suspiciously before sighing and glancing down at the living room's couch.

All of a sudden, I felt myself being pushed onto the couch and someone hugged me. "Boo!" A voice yelled, the familiar feeling of someone's arms wrapped around my body as I felt myself be tackled into the couch.

My eyes widened and as a reflex, I grabbed their hand almost twisting it. I felt my breaths become heavy as I couldn't quite see who was above me and I wondered if it was an intruder. My vision was blurred by the light of the sun casting upon me and blinding me. I closed my eyes, "Who-" I tried to breathe out but my voice only came out in a silent whisper as I hadn't used my voice much.

I saw a silhouette and then a face appeared. It was Light. He had a smile on his lips as he stared down at me and tilted his head. "Luca! You're out? How.. odd.. but yay!" Light couldn't contain his excitement and he lifted me into his arms as I struggled to get out of his hold. He hugged me tightly and after multiple attempts, I just stopped trying to get out and relaxed in his arms.

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