Day 2: Sun & Moon | Touch Starved 🍋

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Day 2: Sun & Moon | Touch Starved

Chosen: Touch Starved

Words: 2070

Short Summary: Luffy finally made his way to Wano and was eager to get back to his lover. Law was waiting for Luffy at Wano, missing his touch like crazy. After they finally meet again and get some alone time, there is no holding back.


AN: I changed the original plot for the sake of the story.


The Thousand Sunny finally arrived in the Land of Wano and Luffy was the most excited man in the whole world. Not only was he restless to get off board and explore the country. No. This time he was also eager to get his lover back in his arms. Ever since he left Zou to get Sanji back, he had trouble sleeping and his head was often up in the clouds. He missed Torao's grumpy attitude and how he was able, to bring a smile to his face. However, the nights were the worst. He found himself dreaming about his lovers touch and woke up screaming his name with a massive boner in the middle of the night. His hunger for his lover was growing bigger with every minute. However, faith had other plans and so Luffy was separated from his crew, met a young girl named Otama and found out about the darker side of the country.

He met Zoro on his way to Okobore to save Otama and now they were both wreaking havoc in Bakura Town to lure out Holdem, one of the Headliners whose men kidnapped Otama. He had not found his lover yet and he has no transponder snail or something to reach out to him. Maybe Zoro knew the location of their hide out and was eventually able to guide him there after they had gotten the food to Okobore and taught Holdem a lesson. His mind was restless for finding Law since he came here, so maybe this fight will calm him down a little.

"Holdem, where are you?" he shouted, eager to let his fists talk to the guy.

In an abandoned building on a hilltop was the Captain of the Heart Pirates enjoying the silence, his eyes closed.

Long time since I saw Luffy. I wonder if he finally arrived here. The festival is just around the corner and we need to prepare.

He smirked at the thought of his lover. Since Luffy and part of his crew departed for Whole Cake Island, he hadn't heard a single thing from him. However, when it comes to Luffy, Law just had a feeling that he will arrive just at the right time. Like he always does. Law drew circles with his fingers on his own arms unconsciously. He won't admit it aloud, but he really missed Luffy's hands on his body. The way those delicate hands grab...

"CAPTAIN!" He didn't get to finish his thought as Bepo was shouting from outside the building.

He sighed and opened his eyes. "What's the matter Bepo-ya?" he asked and was mildly surprised to see Penguin and Shachi in front of him, too.

"Captain! Straw hat Luffy has arrived." Penguin stated and Law's heart started to beat a little bit faster.

"He and Roronoa Zoro are wreaking havoc in Bakura town." Bepo added and with that said, all his happy anticipation was gone and anger ruled his mind.

"Those fools!" he roared as he got up and snatched the binoculars out of Shachi's hands to see the damage done with his own eyes.

Penguin, Shachi and Bepo watched their captain from a safe distance, suppressing their laughter as they hear Law growling like a snow leopard.

"Stay here. I hope I can fix the damage they had done to a minimum." Law said and ran down the hill without second thought. Yes, he was happy to finally see Luffy again but does he have to cause a scene wherever and whenever. It annoyed Law to no end and he really hoped that this has not endangered the plan Kinemon had.

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