Day 6: Conqueror's Haki | Hand Holding

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Day 6: Conqueror's Haki | Hand Holding

Chosen: Conqueror's Haki

Words: 1560

Short Summary: Luffy barked into the med bay with a wounded Law in his arms. As Chopper worked his magic on him, Luffy told him what happened.

Angst. Blood. Losing a loved one.


"TORAO! NO!" Luffy crouched down next to his lover and scooped him up in his arms. "Hey! Say something! Anything! Don't leave me! Please!"

Luffy ran inside the Thousand Sunny towards Chopper's med bay. Tears fell down from Luffy's eyes and stained Laws shirt.

"Please! Wake up, Law! I can't lose you! I already lost Ace! Don't you do this to me! Torao!"

Luffy's begged that this was all just a cruel dream. The taller captain was still lifeless in his arms and fear crept into Luffy's heart. It ached brutally at the thought of losing his lover.

He nearly broke down the door, as he finally arrived at the med bay and placed Law carefully on the table.

"Please Chopper, tell me that he will survive." Luffy broke down next to the table and clung onto Law's hand. His hands were stained with blood, and he was trembling uncontrollably. Luffy was a crying mess. He couldn't take the loss of another loved one. Never. He got up on his knees beside the table and stroked Law's hair.

"I love you, Law. Please don't leave me. I need you. We still must fulfill our dreams, you know? Learning about the meaning of 'D', me becoming pirate king and settling down to grow old together. Maybe start a family. You had it all mapped out. You can't leave me now. I refuse." Luffy rambled about everything that came to his mind.

"Luffy, please tell me what happened." Chopper said as he got to work. He had placed a compressor on the laceration Law had on his forehead and was now trying to stop the bleeding from the large cut across his ribs.

"Chopper, it was bad." Luffy sobbed and told Chopper about the encounter with the marines just a few moments ago.


The Thousand Sunny was sailing calmly across the ocean. A few clouds were seen but they could not make this scorching heat any more bearable. Chopper already retreated inside the Thousand Sunny and Sanji was serving Nami and Robin cool drinks. Luffy was playing with his lover's hair, as the surgeon took a nap on his lap.

The atmosphere changed abruptly when a marine ship crossed their path. None of them saw it coming and in the blink of an eye, the enemy already entered their ship and surrounded them. Nami and Usopp already surrendered, but Robin made sure to keep them safe. Zoro started to take out the marines one by one, as he made his way over to Sanji. Brook blocked everyone who tried to enter the Sunny, so that the number of the enemy on their ship didn't increase further. Franky went below deck and readied the barrels of coke for a Coup de Burst. Luffy and Law stood back to back, fighting with either their fists or their nodachi. The attacks of the marines came upon them in a quick way and left Law no time to activate his room.

They were already struggling when one of the enemies with a devil fruit power cut Law across the ribs and he fell to his knees. Luffy was enraged and unleashed a massive wave of conqueror's haki and all the marines fainted in an instant. Even Zoro and Sanji were struggling to stay on their feet. When Luffy made clear that there was no enemy left to attack them, he turned to his lover and found him face down on the floor.

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