Day 7: Free Day

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Day 7: Free Day

Chosen: Reunion - Modern AU

Words: 3115

AN: This is my personal highlight. I think about making this a book of it's own. But first, enjoy this one! ^-^

Short Summary: Law and Luffy met, as Law visits Miami to attend a medical congress. Over time their bond deepened and soon it was Luffy's turn to visit Law in Los Angeles. Maybe this city is the city of angels for a reason.


"To the medical congress, please." A deep, bored voice said from the backseat and Luffy started driving.

"As you wish, sir. My name is Luffy and I'm your taxi driver today. How was your flight?" Luffy asked the stranger, keeping an eye on him through the rear-view mirror.

His first passenger today was a tall, tan man with tattooed hands. He had raven-black hair, a goatee and sideburns and wore light blue jeans with a white button down and a dark blue jacket. Luffy had to admit that this man was pure eye candy.

"Exhausting." He answered brusquely.

"It was the plane from L.A., right? Those flights are always the worst, I heard." Luffy rambled on, not caring about the short answer. "Is this your first stay in Miami?"

"Yes, but I return to L.A. directly after the congress."

"In that case, let me tell you something about this city, while we are on our way." Luffy said and started to tell the stranger about all the best places the city has to offer.

Law tried to listen to Luffy's words, but he doze off. Since he worked overtime the last week and didn't catch some sleep on the flight, he was exhausted. The sweet voice of his taxi driver was like a lullaby to him, and Law couldn't stay awake for one second longer.

Luffy eyed the snoozing man through the rear-view mirror. As the man was sleeping so peacefully, Luffy once tried to stop talking to give him more silence when his eyebrows furrowed. So Luffy just kept talking to keep those sharp eyebrows at peace. He didn't mind holding a one-sided conversation with his passenger if it helps him to get some sleep.

As soon as they reached their destination, Law woke up. He blushed as he realized that he slept through the whole ride in front of a stranger. It was embarrassing. But he liked the sweet voice of Luffy and so he had an idea.

"Can you give me your card Luffy? I want you to pick me up for my way back to the airport, too." Law asked and handed him his own card in exchange.

"Of course. So, I guess you enjoyed your ride?" Luffy asked.

"I did. See you later." Law paid Luffy and gave him a generous tip as he exited the car and went to his medical congress.

Luffy read the name on the card. Trafalgar D. Water Law. Head surgeon from Los Angeles. A smile grew on his face as he saved the number to his phone. He was already looking forward to their ride back.

*** TIME SKIP ***

"This congress was a waste of my time. I swear, if I would be around those idiots all day long, I would rip out their tongues by no later than midday. It's a shame they even share the same academic title with me. Pathetic!"

"Your trip was not a waste of time, you know? If it wasn't for the congress I would have never met you." Luffy tried to calm the surgeon on his backseat.

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