Day 5: Nakama | Healing

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Day 5: Nakama | Healing

Chosen: Nakama

Words: 2139

Short Summary: A typical day on the Sunny. Law realizes how close the Straw hats are with each other beside the puns and the bickering. He separates himself because he don't feel himself being a part of this. But Luffy already has a plan.


"Get back here immediately!" Usopp shouted as Luffy was running away with his treasure. He managed to snatch the new googles Usopp constructed from his hands to try them out first. Luffy was laughing as he swung himself up to the crow's nest while Usopp hurried to climb the ladder to follow his childish captain.

It was never boring on board the Thousand Sunny and Law found himself well entertained by all the little events. Whether it was a well-planned prank Usopp pulled on someone, the constant beef between Zoro and Sanji or the reckless behavior of their captain, the ship was always bursting with life.

As long as I can watch all these commotions from a safe distance, I'm fine with it.

Law's eyes followed Luffy as he flung himself from one height to another, leaving Usopp no chance to catch him. He admired his lover's carefree attitude. Ever since he met Monkey D. Luffy at Sabaody, he was swept off his feet by the antics of the young captain.

Law smirked and got up from his spot. He went inside the kitchen to grab some leftovers, when he heard the two lovebirds.

"This sake is reserved for dinner tonight. I can't hand you this bottle shitty moss head!" Sanji made his point clear.

"You can just cook something else, ero cook." Zoro suggested.

"Ero cook? Just because you don't know how to treat a lady!" Sanji yelled now, the frown on his forehead deepening.

"Says the one who always bleeds to death. You are no use to them if you are dead. Does your lovestruck brain know that shitty cook?" Zoro countered and pressed his forehead against Sanji's.

"That's enough. I'll finish you right here, right now."

Law went silently around them as they fought each other. Sanji's legs moved fast, but Zoro always dodged his attacks with his swords.

I wonder if Blackleg-ya knows that Zoro always uses the back of his swords to fight him. He never hurts Sanji in their fights. Maybe I should reach out to Nami to place a bet on how long it will take these guys to confess to each other.

Law took the bowl of rice with him into the library. He had stored some of his items here to prevent them from prying eyes. Once he was sure he was alone, he opened his journal and added the latest events.

As he thought back on his last few days on board the Straw hats ship, his heart started aching. He missed his own crew and seeing how close the Straw hat were with each other didn't help. Despite his relationship with their captain, he felt left out. He was glad that everyone accepted him but he didn't feel like nakama to them. Their interactions with each other were always full of appreciation, even if the insulting nicknames the cook and the swordsman throw at each other.

He sighed. Yes, he was proud of his professionalism. Yes, he also cherished his crew even though he didn't put it on display. Yes, he still missed his family and Corazon. And finally yes, he was still afraid to let his guards down. Too afraid, that he will lose them again.

But Luffy changed it all. He pulled down his walls as if they were paperthin. He stole his heart a long time ago and Law was glad, that he did. He loved this guy from the depths of his heart because he showed him every day, that being loved wasn't that bad.

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