Day 8: Hurt/Comfort | Memory

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Day 8: Hurt/Comfort | Memory

Chosen: Both

Words: 2218

Short Summary: Rusukaina, one year after the fateful events at Marineford. It's the first anniversary of Ace's death and Luffy relives the day in his memories. Meanwhile, Law is on his way back towards Luffy, to look after his patient. He knows how intense a day like this can be, since he has been through the same twice.

Trauma, Self-Harm, Suicidal (thoughts)


"AAACE!" a deafening cry from a tormented soul rang across the island of Rusukaina. Rayleigh sighed as he sat at the cliff, his gaze wandered upon the ocean. Today marks the first anniversary of the death of Fire Fist Ace, Luffy's sworn-brother. Ever since the sun came out, Luffy was crying his eyes out and his cries reverberated across the island. Rayleigh has tried to calm him down several times. He knows that today wouldn't be a training day and that it will be hard for Luffy, but he couldn't get through to him. Therefore, he left him in the woods and sat on the cliff. His heart broke every time he heard those cries, but it was no use. Maybe food will help him and so he casted the fishing rod.

It was an hour later when he sensed another presence. He put away his fishing rod and gathered the bucket with his catch. As he stood at the cliff, a yellow submarine emerged from the depths of the sea. A small smirk appeared on Rayleigh's face as no other than Trafalgar Law stepped on deck of his submarine.

"I had a feeling you would visit today, Trafalgar Law." Rayleigh said.

"How is my patient?" Law asked as he jumped up the cliff and stood in front of the Dark King.

"You know what day it is today, right? You should see for yourself. I was not able to get through to him." Rayleigh said and was about to leave. "I'll prepare dinner. You and your crew are invited."

"Thanks." Law said and went into the woods.

Law knew exactly what anniversary marks today. He was at Marineford that day. Although he didn't see what happened to Fire Fist Ace with his own eyes, he was told by others and the condition, Luffy was in, when Buggy throw him on board, told him that the rumors were true. If it wasn't for him, the boy wouldn't have made it. The days after the surgery were the most crucial and Law had experienced such a trauma on his own twice. Therefore, he kept a close eye on the movements of Luffy and stopped every itching he witnessed. He was glad, that after Luffy went on rampage Jinbei was able to clear his mind and stop his self-destruction. Law left afterwards but had a feeling, that he was needed now. It has been exactly one year and on such days, the memories the are most painful.

"Noooo! ACE!" another heartbreaking cry was heard and Law's own heart ached at Luffy's hoarse voice. His vision was clouded by pictured of Corazon's body riddled with bullets. Blood was coloring the snow a deep red. He pushed down these thoughts and followed the cried. Now was not a good time to get overwhelmed by his own trauma. He needed to stay strong and to help his patient. Law kept walking until he could see a small figure in a red shirt. He was was on his knees, his body trembling and his fingers were covered in dirt. As Luffy screamed Ace' name towards the sky another time, Law could see blood dripping from the Youngers chest. He immediately ran towards Luffy and held him by his wrists.

"Mugiwara-ya, stop." Law told him, but Luffy didn't even seem to notice him.

Law examined Luffy's chest. He has fresh scratch marks on his chest, right across the scar from one year ago. Law was still examining the cuts, as Luffy ripped his hands free from Law's grip and clawed into the still blood dripping wounds on his chest. His nails digging deeper in the damaged flesh and a scream of pain left his throat.

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