Day 10: Pirate King Luffy AU | Confessions

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Day 10: Pirate King Luffy AU | Confessions

Chosen: Confessions

Words: 1498 (+ 492)

Short Summary: How the crew reacts to Luffy's confession, that he and Trafalgar Law are dating.


The Straw hats gathered around the table to get their well-deserved dinner. Today had been troublesome for them.

First thing this morning Brook nearly broke down the door to the sleeping quarters, when he was about to inform everyone of a marine ship in sight. Luckily, it was just a newer captain and the fight was quickly over with little to no damage to the crew and Sunny. Nevertheless, everyone was in a bad mood because of the jump-start this morning.

When Sanji was about to cook a mood-brightening recipe he learned at Kamabakka, he found his food cabinet almost empty due to the bottomless pit of a captain, who raided it last night. In the afternoon, they spotted an island and docked at the nearly uninhabited coast to avoid any troubles. Nami decided that it would be a nice punishment for Luffy to not be able to discover the island, so she decided that Luffy guards the ship this time alongside herself.

However, that went wrong too, when the Heart pirates neared the island and spotted Luffy and Nami on the deck of their ship. Since the Polar Tang hadn't surfaced, Nami was totally unprepared when Luffy suddenly disappeared and a pen had taken his place. Nami called Usopp via transponder snail and told him about the incident and everyone quickly gathered back on deck. Robin investigated the pen with a magnifying glass and told everyone that this one is from Flevance, which she concluded, that it has to be Law who snatched Luffy away.

Since they were in an alliance, there was nothing to worry about and everyone got back to stock up the pantry or do some other shopping. At about 5pm Luffy reappeared on deck of the Thousand Sunny and instantly called for meat. Sanji was still in town to gather the last ingredients, when his ears twitched. He was sure that Luffy must be back and was hungry. He can sense Luffy's hunger miles and miles away. Everyone hurried up to get their tasks done and now it was time for their feast.

Sanji grabbed the last tray of meat from the counter and put it on the table, as he watched Luffy with a worried expression. Sure, Luffy was hungry, but there was something else. Something was off.

"Alright, let's dig in everyone!" Luffy shouted and instantly started to gather all the best meat on his plate.

Usopp and Chopper were constantly slapping Luffy's greedy hands away from their own plate. Nami and Robin were enjoying their share and the cocktails Sanji made especially for them without any disturbance, since Sanji fought off Luffy's hands for the three of them. Zoro and Brook were silently munching on their meal, not minding Luffy's hands one bit and enjoying sake and other alcoholic beverages. Last but not least, Jinbei and Franky were talking about the construction of the Sunny.

It was a lively meal and everyone was sated and happy at the end. That was, when the raven-haired captain stood up on the table.

"Everyone! I have something to say!" He started and everyone stopped their conversations to listen to their captain, curious about what was to come.

"I was with Torao earlier and now we are dating! Ni-Shi-shi-shi." He announced and smiled his signature smile.

... Zoro couldn't believe his ears. He had a shocked expression on his face and his mouth hung wide open. That guy?! That shady guy?! Zoro doesn't trust him fully. He was also skeptical about Luffy. How did he know anything about dating? What did we miss? He can't get his head around this new information, it actually gave him a harder headache than any sake ever did. He left the table and headed for the crow's nest to work out before he says something he later regrets.

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