Day 4: Tattoos | Possessive

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Day 4: Tattoos | Possessive

Chosen: Possessive

Words: 2622

Short Summary: Luffy witnessed a new feeling inside him, when Law talked to a beautiful girl. After he talked with Robin about it, he tried to figure how to deal with that feeling. He retreated to the crow's nest of Bartolomeo's ship, when Law sat down beside him.


Law woke up to the sound of the waves rocking against the ship. He was about to get up when a tight grip around his torso pulled him back. He smirked and wrapped his arms around the raven-haired captain on his chest. The last three mornings were the best in his life. Since they left Dressrosa on board of Bartolomeo's ship four days ago, he felt like a burden was lifted from his shoulders. In addition, since he slept with his lover by his side, he had gotten much more and really good sleep.

Never would have thought I would have someone I love by my side ever again.

He smiled as he played with Luffy's hair and pressed a kiss on Luffy's scalp.

Luffy yawned as he finally woke up. He inhaled Law's scent and kissed his tattooed chest.

"Good morning Torao." Luffy sleepily said, looking up at his lover.

"Morning sunshine" Law answered and pecked Luffy's nose.

Luffy screw up his face at the peck, which earned him a small giggle from Law.

"God, I love it when you make that face. You're adorable. Want to get breakfast?" Law asked and ruffled Luffy's hair.

"Breakfast! Yeah, I'm starving!" Luffy declared and was up in a second. He took his clothes and rushed inside the bathroom.

Law noted mentally that it was nice of Bartolomeo to offer Luffy his captain's quarters with an attached bathroom for their stay. Needless to say that that also benefitted Law, since he was Luffy's lover. It was the day after the fight against Doflamingo that they both confessed their feelings for each other.

Couldn't ask for anything better.


Luffy was gobbling down food like there was no tomorrow as Bartolomeo watched him with stars in his eyes. Ever since they met this strange, green haired man, Law was annoyed with his fangirling for Luffy. Law felt uneasy as Bartolomeo glared at him with a devious smile. He couldn't shake off the feeling that this man would like to stab him on purpose. Alternatively, maybe already rip his heart out with his teeth, so that he can have Luffy for himself.

"We're reaching an island!" Bartolomeo's first mate exclaimed as he barged into the kitchen.

"Alright. You know what this means. We need to pack some treasures to change into Berri and stock up our pantry. We need as much meat as possible to feed Luffy-senpai five whole meals a day until we reach Zou." Bartolomeo ordered his crew.

"And rice and tuna for onigiri!" Luffy yelled with his mouth full of meat. Law blushed a little as he heard that Luffy cared about his nutrition.

"You've heard him." Bartolomeo added. He walked over to Luffy and sat beside him. "I bet the great Luffy-senpai will also explore the island. Please know that we will wait for you however long it takes." He bowed slightly and walked off.

"Luffy-ya, I would like to get some medical basics since all our equipment and Tony-ya are already at Zou. You wanna come with me?" Law asked.

Luffy nodded and stuffed some pieces of meat into his pockets. Then he went over to the sink, cleaned himself and came back to Law, offering him his hand. Law grabbed his hand and they both went onto the island.

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