Day 3: Promise | First Kiss

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Day 3: Promise | First Kiss

Chosen: First Kiss

Words: 2159

Short Summary: Law confessed his feelings towards Luffy unknown what will be the outcome of this, before the Straw Hat Pirates and the Heart Pirates part ways. The following events were nothing, he had ever expected.


The Polar Tang was rocking with the waves on the shore in a slowly rhythm. His Captain watched the ship and couldn't get his feet to move towards it. Everything was stocked up but he didn't have any power over his body. He agonized whether he should confess his feelings or leave it be, because either way he knew he was gonna get his heart broken.

Monkey D. Luffy had never shown any interest in romance or love, not even sex as a physical need sometimes. He was straight unlucky that he fell for that guy. His grip on his nodachi tightened and he tried to move his feet by sheer command when suddenly the Straw hat Captain appeared next to him.

It was three days ago that the Straw hat Pirates also reached this island to stock up and so his Heart Pirates and Luffy's crew had some nice banquets together. They decided that Law should leave the island one day ahead to avoid any encounters with the marines, but here he was not moving a single bit. His eyes met the big, enchanting eyes of Luffy, who looked at him with a worried expression.

"What's going on Torao? I've never seen you this deep in thought and I get strange vibes from you through my observation haki." Luffy asked.

"It's..." Law was about to tell him 'It's nothing' when he changed his mind. It was no use to keep that to himself and he decided to give it a shot.

Law took Luffy's hand in his, which earned him a questioning look from the younger captain. "The truth is that I like you Luffy-ya."

"I also like you, Torao!" Luffy answered immediately and was about to hug him, when Law put him on hold.

"No stop. Hear me out. I really like you romantically. I mean... I love you." Law confessed and watched Luffy's every move precisely. Luffy's face became blank, unreadable to Law. He just froze in his movements completely and Law began to worry, when he finally snapped out of his gaze.

"Torao, I really don't know..." Luffy silently whispered when Law interrupted him.

"Shush! Don't say it. I already figured it out." Law sighed and looked away. He already knew that this was going to happen, but there was one thing left on his mind.

"Say Luffy, can I kiss you? Just once?" He asked, facing Luffy again and cupping his cheeks with his hands.

Luffy nodded and with that, Law slowly and lovingly put his lips on the younger ones. They felt like pure heaven and Law was selfish enough to taste them as long as his lungs let him. Breaking apart, he watched with a loving gaze as Luffy slowly opened his eyes and put a hand on the lips Law just tasted.

Law left Luffy at the shore and used his devil fruit power to switch places with some random shirt in his quarters. He took a moment for himself to burn this image of Luffy into his memories until he collected himself and went to the bridge.

"We're leaving." His command rang through the room and soon the Polar Tang submerged into the deep blue sea leaving his heart on the shore and his mind depressed.

As soon as the submarine was embraced with the darkness of the ocean, the Captain walked back to his room. He put his nodachi down next to the door and let himself plop down on his bed.

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