Chapter 17

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As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.

Taking the time to bury the couple had set the patrol back by half a day. Dusk had fallen, hastened by the thick clouds that blotted out the sun, by the time the group reached only their third farm that day. Faoladhean had spent most of the morning thinking about Finan, and the comfort he had given her the previous night, and how fortunate she felt for her patrol mates who were becoming more of a blessing to her each day. But her thoughts always circled back to Finan, and when they did, her heart would begin beating in her chest like a bird flying about in a cage, thumping erratically against her ribs.

She tried to recall a time when she reacted in the same way to Domnall, but found herself coming up blank. That realization struck her suddenly, leaving her both sad and feeling something she couldn’t easily define: hopeful, excited maybe. Faoladhean and Domnhall were in love, she had no doubt about that, but with Finan, everything about him and the way he made her feel was different. It was hotter, and struck her more deeply. Domnhall and I were hardly grown when we met, maybe that’s why, she thought, and sighed quietly to herself.

Her attention turned back to the present as they neared a small home. Clapa and Sihtric had ridden ahead slightly, and Finan drew his horse alongside Faoladhean and Airgid.

Faoladhean looked over at him with a smile that Finan couldn't decide whether it was shy or sad, or some combination of both.

"I apologize for not talking sooner, this morning was…it caught me off guard," he told her.

Nodding, she looked back at the road. "I understand. Patrol and duty first, right?" She glanced back over at Finan. "I've been stuck in my own head anyway, no apologies needed."

Finan gazed at her thoughtfully for a moment, then took a breath to begin speaking; he was cut short by a sharp whistle. “To be continued, then,” Finan chuckled, then gave a wink as Faoladhean cast a sideways glance at him. “At least this looks to be a better welcome than this morning was.”

Watching the activity at the farm before them, Faoladhean laughed. Four young children had surrounded Clapa and Sihtric, who hadn’t even had the chance to dismount. No doubt they were excited to have unexpected visitors. The father waved his arm in greeting as they entered the yard. Finan and Faoladhean dismounted as the woman of the family stepped forward. “Welcome, m’lady, lord. I am Eoforhild, my husband is Wilfrith. We would be honored to have you for the evening, since it is already near dark.”

Faoladhean looked over at the sound of laughter, smiling as she saw Clapa allowing the children to chase him around the yard, grinning from ear to ear; she couldn’t decide who appeared to be having more fun. Sihtric watched Clapa with a look of amusement.

Finan flashed a smile at the couple. “I am Finan, captain of Lord Uhtred’s guard. Your hospitality is appreciated, we do not wish to impose though. We will set camp for the night here, and be out of your way come sunrise, if that is acceptable to you.”

Wilfrith nodded once, but was interrupted from speaking by a loud squeal and peals of laughter from the children. All their heads swiveled toward the center of the yard, where Clapa was laying on his back, arms and legs in the air, as the children poked at him with sticks. Faoladhean let out a giggle, and watched as a boy, no older than six, ran to his parents with a massive grin on his face.

“Mama! Papa! We killed the wild boar! We’ll have meat for supper for weeks now!” He turned and ran back toward Clapa, who apparently had revived, and was now chasing after a little girl and boy on his hands and knees, huffing and grunting, while the littlest girl looked on, wide-eyed, as she sucked her thumb.

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