Chapter 37

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The first week of marriage was, by all accounts, quite blissful for Faoladhean and Finan. With the harvest completed, life around Coccham was slowing down for the season, and while the guard was still working round-the-clock shifts, Uhtred had generously given them time off-duty for their honeymoon. As they had done the previous mornings, they laid nude in bed tangled in each other’s limbs, talking softly, laughing, and enjoying their uninterrupted time together.

Faoladhean’s head rested on Finan’s chest as he stroked his fingers through her hair, her hand splayed over his heart. They had fallen into a gentle lull, the only sounds coming from the flames crackling in the hearth, and the heavy raindrops on the roof. Finan’s hand drifted from her hair to her back, and he began stroking along her spine. Faoladhean pushed up to look down at Finan.

“Would ye be upset if I see Giric today to have my wedded marks done? I should have mentioned it before, but it slipped my mind until he asked me the other day.”

Finan raised his eyebrows, which then descended into a ghost of a frown. “Are ya asking for my permission?”

With a shrug, Faoladhean brushed an errant lock of hair from her face. “No, noe permission, exactly. The mark would be on my chin, and since you are the one who has to look at my face for the rest of your life, I just want to be sure ye would noe mind.” She smirked at him, though Finan could see just a hint of anxiety creating tension at the corners of her eyes.

“Mo ghrá, I would not mind if ya marked your entire face blue. There are an infinite number of things I love about ya, and your marks are one of them. You will always be beautiful to me.” Seeing Faoladhean begin to smile, genuinely, Finan reached a hand up to the back of her head and pulled her down into a kiss. Wrapping both arms around her, he rolled them both so that he was above her and brought his lips down to hers in a sultry kiss, teasing her tongue with his own before pulling back to gaze down at her.

“Besides, I nearly have all of your marks memorized by now. Your goddess dedications," he said softly as he trailed a finger across her cheekbone. He then turned his head and caught her wrist, placing a kiss on the mark there. "Your serpent lady mark here," he smiled as Faoladhean giggled. "The shield between your shoulders, the spirals on the backside of your hips that frame your arse, your wee beastie on your breastbone,” he paused to place a kiss over the spot, eliciting another giggle from Faoladhean, “your wolf,” he placed another kiss there and scooted down a bit. “Your triskele and horse goddess here,” he placed an open-mouthed kiss on the marks above her pelvis, and smiled when he heard her sigh softly. “These…circles on your thighs,” Finan pressed a kiss to each one and looped his arms beneath her thighs as he looked up the length of her body at her, his need to sate his desire for her rapidly growing. Faoladhean was watching him, her irises darkening as her pupils bloomed in anticipation. “Perhaps I need some new marks on ya to memorize through tracing over them with my fingers…or tongue.”

Finan smiled to himself as he licked a slow stripe up her center, and watched Faoladhean’s eyes fall closed as her head rolled back on the pillow, a soft gasp reaching his ears. For Finan, this was the best part of their honeymoon - the ability to bask in each other’s presence and make love as many times a day as they wanted.


Her cloak drawn tight around her against the biting wind and cold rain, Faoladhean knocked on the door to the cottage Giric had made his home for the season. He opened the door a moment later, greeting her with his standard grin and strong embrace. Laughing, she returned his embrace and greeted him in Gaelic. “Brother of my mother!”

“Faoladhean, lass! Come in! I am so happy to be able to do this for you.” He stood with his hands on her arms, smiling down at her. “I still can not believe how much like your mother you look. Ach, but let us not dwell on that right now. We are celebrating, hm? Where is your husband today?”

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