Chapter 30

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Faoladhean hadn’t told Finan of the previous night’s events. Between training, and her trying to sleep a bit prior to her night on gate duty, there just hadn’t been a spare moment to say anything to Finan, or Uhtred. Fastening her cloak around her shoulders with her thistle brooch, Faoladhean double-checked her blades and grabbed the bow and quiver to set beside the door. Finan was already asleep, so she quietly went back to the bedchamber and kissed him on the cheek. His arm came from under the fur and reached for her as he cracked his eyes open in the low firelight.

“Ya off to the gate, then?” His voice was thick and soft with sleep.

Faoladhean took his hand in hers, giving it a soft squeeze. “Aye,” she said softly, “I’ll be back at dawn. I did noe mean to wake ye.”

“ ‘S’all right, mo chroí. I wanted to kiss ya goodbye anyhow.” Finan gave her a sleepy smile as he lifted his head from the pillow and pulled her down for a soft kiss. “I love ya,” his voice started to sound muffled as he dropped back into sleep.

“I love you,” Faoladhean chuckled quietly as she adjusted the furs around his shoulder. Gazing down at him for a moment made her pause; seeing him so peaceful and vulnerable was totally at odds with how he presented himself to the world. Noe many people have seen him this way, I imagine. I guess I’m lucky. She smiled softly as she pondered the thought for a moment, then turned and walked quietly to the door, stopping to collect the bow and quiver before leaving.


Sihtric was already atop the gate when Faoladhean arrived. The moon was waxing but not yet full, and gave off a fair amount of light across the fields surrounding Coccham. The air was chilled, but not bitterly so. Not yet, anyway, though it would not be long. As Faoladhean reached the top of the stairs to the walkway above the gate, Sihtric gave her a warm smile.

“Sihtric,” she smiled, “how are ye this beautiful night?”

He put his arm around her shoulders in a quick hug. “Better now that I have company.”

Faoladhean laughed quietly. “Aye, I apologize for being a couple minutes late.”

Sihtric shrugged. “I was a bit early.”

They fell into easy conversation quickly, both of them scanning the surrounding fields every couple of minutes, and taking turns in walking the perimeter periodically, then picking up conversation when they were both back at the gate.

“Did you speak to Finan or Uhtred about what happened at the stable last night?” Sihtric looked at Faoladhean as he questioned, a hint of concern tugging at his features.

Taking a drink from her waterskin, Faoladhean shook her head. She held it out to Sihtric in offer as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “No, I didna talk to Finan yet, and Uhtred was nowhere to be seen after training earlier, I kept missing him.”

Sihtric’s mouth twisted up as if he was irritated or frustrated by her admission. “Why did you not tell Finan at the very least?”

Sighing, Faoladhean scrubbed a hand over her face. “Because there was noe a good time. And…” she looked out over the field before continuing, “I did noe want him to do something rash, and put himself or his position in the guard in jeopardy.”

“I do not think that is anything you need to worry about. Jeopardizing himself in Uhtred’s eyes, I mean. Uhtred knows Finan; if he were to cause any issue, and it was justified, Uhtred would see that.”

Nodding slowly in thought, Faoladhean was quiet a moment. “You are probably right. I should have said something. I will when I get home in the morning.”

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