The Department of Mysteries

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We flew to the ministry on thestrals which was positively terrifying for most of us as thestrals are invisible to those who haven't seen death. I don't think i've ever screamed so much in my life. Harry and Luna seemed to be the only ones to enjoy it.

Once inside the ministry we all follow Harry quietly, clutching our wands tightly. We enter a room, filled with cloudy, shining balls. "What are these?", Ginny asks.
"Harry!", Neville shouts.
"This one's got your name on it".
Harry walks over to the ball and takes it off the shelf. "It's got mine and Voldemorts name on it", He says, confused.
"These are prophecies", Hermione says. Harry stops suddenly without responding. He looks around frantically, his wand raised.
He turns around to face us.
"He should be here", He says.
He looks at me as if to say, "you were right".
There's a rustle and footsteps are heard.
I can make out long blonde hair under a black mask A death eater.
It has to be Lucius Malfoy.
"Draco", I whisper. "I think that's your father. You need to go. Now".
Draco's face drops. "Fuck. I can't leave you here", He says desperately.
"Yes you can. You have to. He can't know you're working with us".
"I don't care (Y/N). He'll find out eventually.", He protests.
Lucius is getting closer.
"Not today", I say and raising my wand I aim at his head and his hair changes to jet black. I fire a stinging jinx next so that his entire face swells up until he's practically unrecognizable. "AGH!", He screams. "What did you do?".
"He won't recognize you. I promise".
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?", Lucius grins, as he approaches us. We all point our wands at him immediately.
"Where's Sirius?", Harry asks.
"You know, you really should learn how to tell the difference...", Lucius begins, removing his mask to reveal his pale face.
"Between dreams and reality".
"You saw only what the dark lord wanted you to see", Lucius grins. "Now hand me the prophecy".
It's all starting to make sense in my head. This must be what "Voldemort didn't have before", as Harry said. This prophecy is the key to something.
"If you do anything to us I'll break it", Harry says.
There's a loud, menacing laugh and suddenly a woman appears from the darkness. She has curly, black hair and crazy eyes.
"He knows how to play!", She shrieks.
"Itty, bitty, baby...POTTER!", She giggles.
Neville's face falters.
"Bellatrix Lestrange..."
Her face lights up, "Neville Longbottom is it? How's Mum and Dad?", She grins, showing off her sharp teeth.
"Better now they're about to be avenged", He scowls, stepping forward with his wand pointed at her face. Harry quickly pushes him aside.
I've heard rumors of Neville's parents before. Apparently they were tortured so badly during the first wizarding war that they lost their minds and never fully returned to who they were before. I assume this woman is responsible. No wonder Neville is so angry.
"Now, everybody just calm down. Shall we?", Lucius hisses.
"All we want is that prophecy".
Draco squeezes my hand tightly, clearly terrified by the sight of his Father before us.
"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?", Harry asks.
"You dare speak his name!", Bellatrix whispers angrily.
"YOU FILTHY HALFBLOOD!", She shouts at Harry.
"He's just a curious lad aren't you?", Lucius says.
"Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you really."
"This is why he lured you here Harry! He needed that prophecy for some reason. I told you not to trust the vision about Sirius!", I say, frustrated and disappointed in myself for not going with my gut feeling.
"And who do we have here?", Lucius begins. His face widens.
"(Y/N), (L/N). I had no idea you were friends with the famous Harry Potter himself", He says, trying to maintain composure.
"You're a disgrace. You should be ashamed of yourself and everything you stand for", I declare.
"Harsh words from the daughter of two Death Eaters (Y/N). To think I thought so highly of you too. What a shame", He spits.
There's a few surprised looks from my fellow DA members as not all know of my heritage.
"We don't have time for this Lucius!", Bellatrix shouts.
"Don't worry Bellatrix. I'm sure Harry will hand over the prophecy in no time".
"What makes you so sure of that?", Harry challenges.
Lucius begins to step forward towards us.
"Haven't you always wondered...what was the reason for the connection between you and the dark lord? Why he was unable to kill you, when you were just an infant. Don't you want to know the secret? Of your scar? All the answers are there Potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me and I can show you everything", He says, trying to manipulate him with every word. Death eaters begin to emerge from every angle. We are well and truly surrounded.
"I've waited almost 15 years", Harry says.
"I know", Lucius whispers, with mock pity.
"I guess I can wait a little longer".
"NOW!", He screams.
"STUPEFY!", We all scream at once and begin running as fast as we can.
Lucius apparates in front of us and we all quickly turn and run the other way.
Without realizing, we become separated.
The death eaters are everywhere we turn it seems.
"LEVICORPUS!", I hear Luna scream.
"Luna!", I shout trying to locate her. "Draco where is she?", I ask. No one responds. Draco is no longer by my side.
I almost scream out for him but stop myself when I remember Lucius is near.
I look around aimlessly.
I have to find him. Harry grabs my hand as he runs past. "KEEP RUNNING!". "IF YOU STAY STILL YOU DIE!".
A death eaters apparates in front of us.
"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!", I scream and he collapses to the floor.
We keep running until we reach a door. I spot Draco and the rest of them running through.
"HURRY!", Ron shouts.
We manage to get there before it closes.
We drop down and Hermione waves her wand quickly to slow us so we don't hit off the ground.

I look around the room. It's dark and completely silent, too silent for my liking.

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