⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter one ୧ ⎯⎯

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3rd person POV

The town of Hargeon was as lively as ever, people coming and going doing the usual daily tasks. Meanwhile, at the hargeon station a pink haired boy was leaning out a window of a train, Trying his best not to vomit. Looking at him was a small unusual blue cat although the boy looked awful, like he would pass out any moment. The blue cat didn't let this phase him. Like he was already use to this.

"Natsu, come on get up! We made it to Hargeon! Let's go already!" The blue cat excitedly said, while the train instructor looked at the poor pink haired boy with a hint of worry. The train instructor spoke words that proven he was slightly worried "Uh, is he okay?".

The blue little cat turned around not phased at all "He's fine! He always gets like this when we use transport!" The blue cats smile never once dropping.

Groaning, and with much struggle the pink haired boy muttered the words "never again, i am never riding on a stupid train again" before going even more pale puffing out his cheeks trying not to be sick.

Groaning, and with much struggle the pink haired boy muttered the words "never again, i am never riding on a stupid train again" before going even more pale puffing out his cheeks trying not to be sick

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The blue cat, decided against listening to his poor friend muttering and decided to start heading off the train. "If our information is correct, we should find our salamander somewhere in this town! Isn't that great natsu!" The blue cat beamed happily, looking at his friend from the train station path.

"Give me a second would you happy?" Natsu explained, desperately trying to grasped back to his healthier self. Before he was able to do this however, suddenly there was a whistle. This whistle was torture to natsu. After all, he knew was was going to happen but couldn't do anything as he was already so poorly.

Not so suprisingly, the train started moving. Natsu fell to the floor groaning as he's still on the train while happy was watching the train go past. Natsu groaning and shouting for happy to help him. But all happy could muster up was "oh no, there he goes"

Meanwhile wandering around a beautiful blonde lady was looking for a magic selling store. As she enters the store, she's met with a almost fragile looking elderly man. She happily explains to him she's looking for magic stores but he's quick to point out that his shop is the only magical one in town.

"What?! You mean to tell me, in the whole of hargeon this is the only magic shop?!" The blonde girl spoke placing her hands on his counter, leaning over ever so slightly in hopes she'd imagine what he said.

"I'm afraid so lady, I'll go as far as saying most of the town doesn't know how to use magic!" The old man explained looking at the beautiful blonde. "I built this shop for the wizards passing though!" Stated the old man, ever so kindly.

Hearing this, made the girl feel so disappointed although it wasn't the kind shop keepers fault. Sighing she slouched over "i came all this way for nothing"

The poor old shop keeper felt extremely bad hearing this. He felt almost sorry for the poor girl. Deciding on trying to help the girl out, he started looking for something behind the counter.

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