⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter seven ୧ ⎯⎯

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Violet turned towards Lucy. "Vi?" She questioned Lucy. Lucy smiled "your new nickname! Well I'm beat, cya guys tomorrow in the guild!" Lucy smiles before waving and walking towards her house.

"How's your back?" Natsu suddenly said.

"It's fine, don't worry you pyro manic. See you tomorrow" violet smiled before walking away as well for some much needed rest. Leaving natsu alone with happy in the street.

Violet arrived home, treating to her wounds before sitting down at he desk. Grabbing a pen, starting to write to her parents.


POV: Violet

It's been a few days since we got back from saving Macao, and I must say I'm still aching. My joints are sore, and my back is still killing me. Due to this, i haven't gone to the guild as much as I should have recently.

Luckily, no one from the guild knows where I live. So I haven't been bothered either. It's given me enough time to heal enough that I can walk.

"Time to get out of bed.." i muttered to myself.

Getting out of bed, I stretched my back slightly flinching in pain but shaking it off. Looking around my room, I quickly got dressed grabbing two letters I wrote the night I got back to post today. One for my parents. The other one for my closest friend.

Making sure I have everything, i head out firstly to the post office. And my final destination fairy tail!

The warm breeze hitting my face made me smile. It's been awhile since I walked by myself. It kind of reminds me of the day I met Lucy and Natsu.

After about 20 minutes, i reached the post office sighing in relief I headed in to post my letters. It only took a few minutes, before I was outside again.

"Hopefully mother and father get the letter and I hear back from them. I also can't help but wonder how kairy is doing! Man, i miss her" I spoke out loud to myself balancing on a curb next to the river.

After about another 20 minutes, I arrived to the guild hall. finally..

POV: Lucy's house 3RD person

Lucy just finished showering, a white towel rapped against her body. After drying her hair, she started making her way towards her bedroom for her clothes, opening the curting to her bedroom she noticed Natsu and happy.

"WHAT THE HECK!?" Lucy shouted, shocked but also extremely angry.

"Hey!" Natsu said, ignoring the girls tone waving towards her.

"What are you guys doing here?!?" Lucy asked, slightly more calm.

"We was bored, so we came to see you" Natsu said eating on some of Lucy's crips

"Aye sir!" Happy responded, nibbling on the fish he was holding.

Suddenly, Lucy kicks Natsu in the face and he hits the wall "get the heck out of here you jerk!" Lucy shouts once more angerly.

"Geeze, we just came over to check out your new pad" Natsu said, rubbing where Lucy kicked him.

"Oh yeah? Well what you call "checking out", I call breaking a entry, and I'm pretty sure the police would think so too" Lucy said, angerly pointing towards the pink haired boy.

To make Lucy more angry, happy decided to start clawing at the wall. Making Lucy shout more.

After Lucy calmed down and got dressed, she decided to make her contract with the new celestial spirit she acquired before which was Nikora. 

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