⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter five ୧ ⎯⎯

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Natsu who's now next to the pair, was leaning against a broken table eating the fire listening.

"To perform magic, one must have a strong mind and the obility to focus. If we worry to much on rules, then our magic may never progress! Don't let those fools on the magic council scare you. Follow the path you believe in. Because that's what makes the fairy tail guild number one!" The master finished, holding his thumb up towards the guild.

The guild hall irrupted in cheers, so loud and unexpected violet quickly brought her hands to her ears but not once did her smile leave her face. She was excited to begin her new adventures, with her new friends.


Lucy is just being given her mark by mirajane to officially welcome the young blonde to the guild.

Moments before violet was given her guild mark. She chose to have in a purple colour, on her waist. Once mirajane was finished, she spoke happily to the pair "there! Now you both are officially members of fairy tail"

Lucy holds her hand and is looking close to where her pink fairy tail mark has been place. Violet was excited but clearly not excited as Lucy. Turning on her heels violet walks towards happy while Lucy sprits to natsu holding her hand out. "Hey! Natsu look! Mirajane gave me my guild mark!" Lucy said, trying to gain the young fire dragon slayers attention.

"Yeah that's cool, welcome to the guild loony" natsu said, almost boredly. Violet watches Lucy shouting at natsu and laughs. "Where's your mark violet?" Happy said addressing the girl.

Violet looked to happy "right here" she simply said, pointing her finger towards her hip before smiling at the blue cat. The blue cat looked at the girls mark before smiling  and congratulating her before flying towards natsu.

In attempt to stretch her legs, violet walked over towards the guilds bar where marajane was standing.

POV: violet

"Hey, mira? I have a question about the guild?" I said, softly looking at the mirajane.

Mirajane looked at me smiling "what is it?" She said, placing down a cup she was cleaning.

"How does the job system works? Do new members have to go on jobs with older members for awhile?" I asked, nodding my head slightly towards the request board.

I already knew what the request board is for, although I'm not so sure how to go about accepting a quest, so I thought the best idea would be to go and ask mirajane.

"Well, you don't need to go with older members. But might be nice to ask someone to go on a quest with you. It could help you get to know them" mirajane responded kindly picking up a place to clean that someone dropped off at the counter.

I nodded in response to her thanking her before making my way to mingle with the other guild members. I'm not too sure if I would like to go on a mission with Natsu after what happened in hargeon. Of course, I'm glad to be apart of fairy tail now. But I'm Abit uncertain if I could afford to pay for the destruction he caused.

Looking around, I notice a girl wearing a orange dress. She had soft sky blue hair and glasses. Looks friendly enough. I started to make my way towards her when she noticed me and waved.

"Hey! Your the new member right? I'm levy" she spoke, kindly. Repaying her kindness i nodded "hey levy, yeah I'm one of the new member. My name's violet"

Levy smiled at me before tapping the seat next to her. She wants me to sit down with her? smiling i took her offer and sat down next to her.

"I heard natsu got you in some trouble in hargeon" Levy said facing me.

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