⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter six ୧ ⎯⎯

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While natsu's is close to a edge shouting for macao. The monster came up attacking natsu. Snow flew everywhere. Once the monster knocked natsu off his feet, he turned and went running towards Lucy. Lucy didn't notice it was a monster until the monster started shaking Horologium furiously.

"Me like human woman" the monster spoke toward Lucy, sticking his toung out when speaking.

Natsu got up, smashing his fists together looking at the monster ready to attack. Although he held back, allowing the monster to run off with Lucy screaming from Horologium for natsu's help.


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Lucy is in the cave, with the monster dancing around. "What is with this monster?! Why is he so excited!? She asks, tearfully" Horologium said, for Lucy, who was hiding inside him.

Violet, who was still exploring the cave, stumbles upon the monster dancing around the clock and Lucy.

"What the heck?" Violet snickered at the sight.

"Violet! Help me this monsters crazy! She said, fearfully" Horologium said.

"Huh? Oh, i thought you was having a party and forgot to invite me" violet said, laughing with tears on her eyes. This was the best scene she's ever seen.

Suddenly, Horologium disappeared. Which made violet laugh even more.

"HOROLOGIUM HEY GET BACK HERE" Lucy screamed realising her spirit went back to the spirit realm.

The monster looked towards Lucy, excitingly. Violet noticed this and stated running towards Lucy. Standing between her, and the monster.

"Two women's" the monster stated, hearts popping out of his eyes.

Seeing this, violet stepped back slightly hitting Lucy. Before the girls said anything, a fermilia pyro manic comes running through the cave.

"HEY, YOU BIG APE, WHERES MACAO??!" Natsu said, running towards the monster. Violet shouted to natsu "YOU IDIOT, DONT RUN YOULL SLIP"

Natsu, didn't listen and continued running. But he ended up doing exactly what violet said, and ended up slipping, landing on his back into a wall.

Violet face palmed, at this sight thinking of how much of a idiot natsu could be Laughing.

Lucy looked at natsu wide eyes, and mouth gaping. "Oh no" she said before hearing violet snickering

"That wasn't cool" Violet said, Lucy nodding in agreement. "Why does he feel like he has to make a entrance all the time" Lucy sighed holding the blanket around her shoulders.

"Spill it monkey. Where's my friend?" Natsu said, upside down groaning in pain. The monster looked at natsu as he started to stand.

Lucy, leaving violets side and started running behind natsu while Violet stayed stood in the middle of the monster and natsu.

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