⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter two ୧ ⎯⎯

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"You got it all wrong, igneel doesn't look like a dragon, he is a dragon" natsu said plainly, like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Lucy looks shocked while violet just stared at the pair trying to figure out if they was serious, or just crazy.

Violet turned her head towards the blonde. Sighing and leaning her head on her right hand silently thinking to herself what did she get herself into.


POV: 3RD Person

Violet and Lucy are staring at each other shocked. Trying to process the words natsu spoken to them ever so plainly.

Violet stood up, still trying to process it. A dragon? It's not possible. Natsu and happy looked at violet almost as if they was watching her every move.

"Even with wizards around daily and magic around daily dragons are almost a fantasy, you expect us to believe your friend is a dragon?" Violet said. Not wanting to believe that dragons did exist. I mean, she read books her father gave her when she was younger, on how dragons exsisted. But she thought they was just fantasy's.

Natsu looked at her "I'm not lying, dragons exsist." Happy joined in trying to make the girl believe natsu "Aye! Igneel is a real life fire dragon."

Lucy suddenly processed what natsu and happy was saying "Why the heck would a fire dragon show up in the middle of town?!" Natsu and happy didn't know what to say to her out burst.

Violet sighed "it's completely ridiculous. Sorry, i should get going, enjoy the rest of your lunch. Maybe I'll see you around." Violet said starting to leave the table, Lucy decided to get up and say her goodbyes to the pair to follow the girl out. Truthfully she didn't want to be left with the pair. They seemed abit crazy. A waitress for the cafe came up to the two girls, bowing respectfully thanking the two girls for coming to the restaurant and telling them to come again.

When suddenly the waitress has a shocked look on her face looking behind the two. Violet got curious onto what caused this look so she turned around but what she saw was not what she expected. Turning her body fully around, she stared at the pair she was recently sitting with.

Both of them, on their knees screaming into the ground "thank you for the food!!" Lucy screamed telling them to get up and that the pair was embarrassing them.

Violet laughed, and smiled at the pair. Turning around, handing the money to the waitress aswell 
A few extra Jules as a apologie for the roudy bunch before walking out of the restaurant leaving Lucy to deal with the pair.

Walking to a near park, violet sat down watching some birds fighting over a peice of bread. She sighed and closed her eyes, enjoying the breeze that softly hit her face. Bumping into Lucy today reminded her that she needed to find a guild soon. That way she'd be able to visit her parents more then she does now. While lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize Lucy caught up to her and sat on the bench next to her. Deciding on leaving the poor girl to her thoughts Lucy pulled out the latest sorcerer weekly magazine looking through it.

Lucy looks at violet before speaking up. "Fairy tail's done it again" Violet jumps slightly, not realising Lucy's there before relaxing as it's just her. "Hey, Lucy. What do you mean?"

Lucy smiles "they took down a demon bandit clan, but 7 homes was destroyed" Lucy laughs and kicks her feet.

Violet smirks "talk about going over board" Lucy Nods agreeing before she looks away from the girl. "I wish I knew how to be a member" violet looks at the girl listening to her closely. Lucy smiled "I'm so going to be in fairy tail one day! We both will!"

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