⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter four ୧ ⎯⎯

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"Hey, guys there's gaurds!!!" Violet stared, pointing her hand towards the gaurds. Natsu looked in the direction to see the gaurds before grabbing ahold of Lucy, and violets hand. Before hurrying away, practically draging Lucy in mid air.

"Oh crap we gotta get out of here" natsu explained while Lucy's screaming "WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU TAKING US" natsu looked at her before responding "come on! You said you wanted to join fairy tail! Let's go!" Lucy's eyes glistened in excitement, before she started running herself. While Violet was still practically being dragged "HEY, FLAME BRAIN I NEVER SAID I WANTED TO JOIN-" Violet shouted highly amused. But neatherless continued to let natsu drag her. A smile of each of them faces.

Violet, couldn't help but think to herself however. Since she met natsu, the whole day has been crazy, how much more crazy can one boy bring? And still, what on earth is she getting herself involved in now.


A meeting is being held in the magic council 'era'.

"Those idiots from fairy tail have gone and destroyed another place! This time they've gone and destroyed a court!" A unknown man stated, frantically.

A man dressed in white, with dark blue hair spoke up. "Im actually quite fond of those idiots, even with how much they destroy"

A small old man speaks up "they may behave like fools, but we mustn't forget how capable they are."

The man dressed in white, looked up to the others in the room, smiling "i think we should leave them be, after all if it wasn't for those fools how bored would we all be?" He stated knowingly.


The town magnolia is home to the popular known fairy tail guild. After all the running, natsu finally arrives with happy, Lucy and violet to they're new home, Fairy tail.

Lucy looks at the guild in amazement, finally. She was able to join the guild she grew up wanting to join.

"Woah" Lucy mutters not taking her eyes off from the guild, in fear she'd wake up away from the guild.

Happy smiles floating next to Lucy "welcome to fairy tail!" Violets looks at the building, gaping down at them before smiling to herself. She's found a guild to call home.

Upon entering the guild, natsu and happy hurrys off to look for someone

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Upon entering the guild, natsu and happy hurrys off to look for someone. While violet and Lucy are left looking around. Suddenly, natsu started fighting a man in the guild. Tables started flying everywhere as well as dishes and plates. Everyone was rushing around. Violet watched the scene, amused. Smiling and laughing. While Lucy, was panicking that natau would hurt somone.

The fighting seemed to never end, a new person jumping into fight every second. "So natsu's finally back?! Time to settle this for once and for all!" A black haired guy who was in his underwear spoke, before strutting over to natsu.

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