⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter ten୧ ⎯⎯

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"Well then, why don't you share? Secrets aren't kept from friends you know" everlue spoke, each word pouring out of his mouth like a sickoning poison.

The way everlue had her arms, caused Lucy to slightly winge from the pain.

"A man like you doesn't deserve to know what it is" Lucy stuttered, hatred for the man who's holding her boiling up inside of her.

Unknowingly to natsu, who managed to defeat the bone head mercenaries.


The mercenary's who natsu was fighting was laying on the floor, complaining about the room spinning.

"That does it. Guess I better find Lucy, these merchants fairys are toast." Natsu said, heading towards the same exsit Lucy left in.

POV: With lucy 3RD person

"Enemy to literature? My massive collection of books and art only proves I'm cultures greatest friend" everlue spat at Lucy, holding her tighter.

"That maid collection of yours shows you don't know squat about beauty" Lucy said, trying to free her hands from everlue.

"How dare you! They are the very definition of beauty" Everlue said, Pushing against Lucy's arms harder. Making poor Lucy stumble over slightly trying to resist.

Everlue looked at the book with desire, longing to know the secret hidden in the book.

"What secret does it hold? Did he bury his fortune and hide a treasure map in it? Tell me!" Everlue demanded for the blonde to speak.

Lucy stayed silent, fighting back her pains.
"Tell me, I'll snap your arms in half" Everlue threated.

Lucy looked towards the creepily man before sticking her tongue out at him mockingly.

Everlue upon seeing this grew more angerly. Throwing the girl on the floor, and pinning her down. Harding his grasp on the poor Celestial wizard.

"Listen, i myself commissioned this book's very creation. Any secrets in this book is rightfully mine" Everlue said, pushing Lucy's face harder to the ground.

Suddenly the pressure Everlue had on Lucy faded. Lucy opening her eyes to see that happy flew in and kicked Everlue in the face, making him lose his grapse on Lucy.

"Happy!" Lucy said, looking at the blue cat in relief.

Happy, grinned at Lucy cunningly before falling into the sewer water from his sudden disappearense of his wings.

"What's this? A flying cat?" Everlue spoke, looking towards happy who's just floating half under the fowl water.

Happy attempting to respond, but being incoherent.

"I wouldn't stay in there if I was you" Lucy said aimed towards her blue friend

"But the water feels so nice" happy responded, Lucy barely understanding.

"Uh- that's sewer water happy..gross" Lucy sighed facing palming at the cats response.

Taking the opportunity of being free from everlue's grasp Lucy takes one of her Keys outs pointing it towards Everlue.

"Alright, looks like the tables turned Everlue. But if you let me keep this book, I'll think about going easy on you although I'm tempted to give you a good smack" Lucy said confidently.

"Oh, a Celestial wizard. But for a reader you seem to be abit deficient in your turns of phrase. The tables have turned implies that the weaker party have rallied to take victory. But there's no way you and that cat could defeat me and my diver magic" Everlue said, before disappearing into the ground.

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