⎯⎯ ୨ Chapter eight ୧ ⎯⎯

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"Sorry, for diving on you" gray muttered awkwardly

Violet laughed and put her thumbs up to the ice wizard. "Don't worry about it! Nice reflexes!"

Violet stood up brushing herself off before looking at the sky "we best get going to say we've completed the job, then we can go back to the guild"

Gray nodded in agreement, before walking away violet following after the ice mage smiling



Natsu is sat outside of the restaurant while happy is opposite him they are both practically inhaling the food Natsu bought.

in between eating, Natsu decides to strike up a convocation with happy.

"make sure you leave all the fat food for lucy" Natsu spoke, taking one bite of his food.

"mhm, by the looks of it that's what she likes the most" happy responded copying the motion Natsu did

unawaire, that the certain blonde lady was right behind them.

"hold on a minute, what's that meant to mean cat" lucy said annoyed

noticing her, natsu goes to speak to her. but became confused on her outfit of choice. In the time lucy was gone, she managed to find a maid outfit for the job.

 In the time lucy was gone, she managed to find a maid outfit for the job

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lucy seeing they're speechless attuited decided to have abit of fun.

"Oh come on dont be shy boys, i know i look super cute and everything!" lucy said happily flaunting off her outfit before suddenly changing her tone of voice.

putting her hands closer to her mouth she slightly turned from side to side speaking softly

"have you had enough food master? or do you need some more?" "your wish is my command" lucy finished slightly bowing.

Natsu looked at happy in a kind of uncomfortable way.

happy attempted to whisper to Natsu but nether less it came out as average speaking.

"what do we do? we was lying about the costume and she took it seriously"

Natsu listened to happy before responding in the same tone his blue cat used

"I guess were going to have to go along with it, dont say anything kay?"

lucy upon hearing this, face went to a more irritated one than one that should be used on a maid

"I can hear you both" lucy spoke slightly frustrated

lucy sighed, wishing she'd never been tricked into going on this mission.

"if you both are done eating, we should really meet with the contractor." lucy spoke, laying her hands on her hips.

Natsu and happy agreed, and within five minutes. They arrived that the contractors house. upon arrival the three was quickly greeted and sat down.

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