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Everyone is present in exit area to farewell dear beautiful young master while cangse hugging his son tightly and  as a protective father chanze assure his son that if they do something wrong with them so comeback to your home we will always support you, after that everyone leave for gusu while wei sect is sad that his prince now living somewhere else


Days later they all reach in caiyi town now it's just about few hours and they will reach in lan sect , everyone is tired hence lsn qiren decide to stop in town for refreshment wei ying also to comeout but his egoistic alpha stop him to said that it's unruly for an omega to stand with other alpha or to show their face and wei ying sadly sit in carriage again
3 hours later they are standing infront of clan gate where their clan omega come to welcome new omega and doing rituals .
Sect lady lan come infront of carriage with lan yao and lan miamian while lan cheng stand with garlands and lan qing and huisang standing a side for them it's a heart break time their husband already don't love them and know this old man take one more wife for there husband
Madam lan take Wei ying out of carriage with help of  yao and miamian  ,cheng come to madam lan and gave her garland and madam lan put it in ying's neck and with other sect omega and betas take him in jinshi for start of his new life
It's  third time for qing and second time for huisang when they come to jinshi because except their neptuial night they don't come here somehow they are also sad for wei ying because they think how is life gonna take turn very soon
Madam lan introduce him with everyone then suddenly wei ying hug lan cheng and everyone become shocked
" please don't get it wrong actually my father Jiang Fengmia and sect leader wei chanze are first cousins so we are also brothers he is my little brother, we spend alot of time together before my marriage "cheng
Everyone relife after knowing that but madam lan told them to maintain some distance lan cheng know why she said that but wei ying don't and lan cheng said him that he will explain later
Wei ying also got to know that his husband was married twice already and he doesn't like it why can't his husband be faithful for one why he need 2 or 3 wives.


Wei ying silently sitting on bed of jinshi after some time wangji come to room and lock the door and come to wei ying and sit beside him by the single look of him wangji understand there is something he want to ask
" what do you want to ask " wangji
" you already married twice " ying
" yes but it's normal for alphas then why are you sad"
" why is it normal why you just don't love one and free others"
" ying first of all you are in lan clan not in wei clan so you have to accept it even if you want it or not you are my mate so don't talk like this again Ok
Is there something else you want to ask" wangji
" why qing jie and huisang ge don't live in jinshi " ying
" because I don't want but you are my mate so you will live here with me next "
" why you marriage me" ying
" because uncle wants a rare alpha like me and my brother as next heir"
" it means you already have children " ying with sad eyes
" yes, But don't worry "
" you love me "
" I like you but love I don't know but I want to be with , I want you to near me "
" Hmm  do you again going to do that ( sex) "
" We have to give clan a heir soon and I also want to mark you so yes but don't protest so I will be gentle with you " wangji
" Ok but please don't hurt me last time I was in so much pain " ying
" Ok "
With this wangji take off their clothes and kiss him , start licking, sucking his neck then he bite on his neck hard and now he bound with wangji in every possible way after they did their night active till late night

Hi guys hope you like it
Let's see how ying going to start his fight for equality
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