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" Jiang cheng I hope you will tell me truth, tell me everything happened with my son " sect leader wei ask in deep angry tone and everyone is scared as hell especially omegas because according to whole country wei chanze is most calmest person anyone could ever meet but how can a father be calm when his only child is bathing his own blood
" let me tell you everything sect leader wei "xue Yang from entrance
Everyone is surprised while wei chanze just nod
" first his so called husband never tries ti understand him or listen him , then they all humiliate him because he don't know how to cook then his so called husband slap him hardly because he stand for himself and when he wish to teach and reflect his point of view they punish him and said that he offend their so called clan " Xue Yang
" But hoe you know all that" fuming lan qiren
" because I m his only friend here"
" so he related to you when he is already married what a-
and what is wrong to be friend with a alpha just because you all don't believe your teaching that's not give you right to say bad about my child And as I said he will reject your nephew so he is not related with any of you so don't you dare you all shameless, senseless, bastards " that's first time wei Chanze's cursed

" sect leader wei I know we are wrong but please give us a chance " lan xichen
" and what will you do do even cares for your wife always hurt them and mistreat them, used them a sex toy to satisfy yourself  what will you do " angry chanze
And with this everyone is silently stand their because wei chanze show all of them the mirror of reality which they don't want to see

" sect leader -
" I will only talk to lan zhouling no oneelse call him now "
Something later lan zhouling come in main hall with guilty expression because deciple already told him everything

" sect leader-
" as the compensation of that married I am giving you east part of yelling and now my child is free but hope that your son will treat his other two wives rightly  teach him some morals Former sect leader "
" please give me one another chance " guilty, helpless wangji
" No even in your dreams" chanze
With this he take his leave and told his diciple to arrange a comfortable carriage for wei ying they will start there journey IN early morning
Everyone except lan zhouling try to stop for first time wanji knee down infront of someone for his love and lan qiren is totally surprised with it he don't like it but can't do anything


Wei chanze take his senseless son with him to his home while in gusu main hall

" lan xichen your are not deserve that post of sect leader so now I take it back from you disappoint me xichen
And for you lan qiren you will go to seclusion till you don't understand worth of omegas and study about omegas everything that's my order"
" But elder brother he was  not right person for wangji he involved with young master xue"
" They both are good friend I observed it with my own eyes you brainless human and you have to change your dirty and lowly mindset ...go get ready for your punishment " zhouling

" and you lan wangji come to my chamber and meet me alone I don't want anyone except you "


" wangji sit here
Wangji just think what will you feel if I slap your mother , think what will you feel when someone punish your children because they stand for their right and think how you feel if no one try to understanding in a new placed or humiliate you
Now answer me"

" yes father I was wrong wei ying doesn't deserve all this " wangji with tears
" No one deserve it not ying, not qing, not huisang no one deserve it
Now I want you to stay in wei Sect as a traveller for 6 months without your title and learn what is the real meaning of omega and bottom betas
Pack your things you will leave tomorrow morning and don't disappoint  yourself wanji can leave " With this wangji take his leave but he see xue Yang who ask him to few minutes for some personal talk
They both come to near jinshi and sit outside of garden
" Master lan you know I m engaged with an beta who is 4 years older than me but I love him with all my heart
But you know what wei ying said about you are not his ideal type but you are his love of life, you are his heart with a deep hole who use to hurt him But still he can't hate you he will always love if you do same or not doesn't mater

Don't listen your elders for your married life, most of them are bachelors how they know about marriage life and married life is something that wants love, trust ,understanding , time and conversation did you ever give him something no
Just think about it but leave your rules for sometime first
Goodbye today I am going back to my sect "
With this he take his leave but he teach his master lan what is marriage used to be,  where did he wrong well he is wrong everywhere
Wangji think about everything think whole night he not sleep even for a single minute and next morning he take his leave to wei Sect with a decision that he will take his omega, his love of life back and this time he will give him everything he deserve this time no one can hurt him he promised this to himself

On the otherhand other also got to know about everything and they appreciate sect leader wei for his decision and decide to confront their omega and beta children everyone will going to do this except one shameless manwhore jin Guangshan as he doesn't even care for his illegal children so how could he do something for his illegitimate child he just want his profit nothing else while everyone reach lan clan and confront their children as lan zhouling don't stop them
Most of parents are disappoint their decision that they marry their children in lan clan and worn lan clan to treat their children nicely or they will disowned lan sect and sect leader lan promise them to make everything right but give him sometime and everyone one agree on it

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