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Wei ying feels happy that lan xichen come to take his cheng gege back but he also understand why his gege don't want to go , well he himself feel that pain and humiliation in lan clan for 1 month so he just stay silent and support his decision.......he also want to show everyone it doesn't matter if we are bottom ones or wives we also have right to take decision for ourselves, why everytime someone else take decision on our behalf.....before marriage parents and after marriage husband and in law's we are also capable to take major steps of our life.


sect leader wei is busy to do some clan work when cangse seren come and ask
" Zangfu did you send latter to Jiang gege and yu jie "

" yes, qizi I m sure they will come in 2 or 3 days by the way qizi what do you think about it.....I mean lan xichen and acheng " Wei chanze

" if you ask me then acheng is right on his place as a individual but as a mother I think he should give one last chance to lan xichen With some terms and conditions for his children and if I said as a parent I don't want to send him in lan clan again
So it simply depend on situation and position " cangse

" Hmm you are right qizi, let's sleep it's late " With this they cuddle each and take their beauty nap


In  morning Wei ying again wake up early and get ready beautifully with beautiful and expensive robes, jewellery and perfumes and after breakfast take his leave and went toward school while his father's spy follow him like shadow

He meet lan wangji they spend some hours together and then again went their own paths with the promise that they will meet again

Well that's their always routine,while in wei manor lan xichen use to do everything he can do for his wife and children where his children like it very much because they never felt that fatherly warmth and care due to lan clan's so called rule not overly pampered children but actually they don't even pamper their child at all because if the child is omega so he/she use to live with his mother and if child is alpha/beta so he have to learn clan rules and practice from such a tender age and  girls doesn't matter if she is omega, beta or alpha they also have to learn about home science from very young age .

Where one side children like their father's warmth and care otherside cheng use to avoid him as much he can do because he doesn't want to hurt again he tolerate this from years he has married for 6 years but in this six years he only tolerate humiliation, punishment and loneliness in lan clan because his alpha already have his fated mate and he only married him for rare alpha child which he doesn't  birth in his two pregnancy and always after his children birth lan qiren just use to show his angry or frustrated face like he wanted to say "what a useless being you can't you just bear a rare alpha but you birth two beta like you what a shame "

So acheng determinant to his decision after all he free from a jail and doesn't want to go their again and will live life like a free soul and handle his clan to show everyone his capabilities

4 days later Jiang clan leader Jiang Fengmia and Jiang yu reach to wei clan


Everyone sitting quietly sipping their tea while lan xichen is waiting to start conversation then Jiang Fengmia said

" so first young master lan what you want "

" I want to take my wife and children back with me ...I promise I will take good care of them and I will never give them any chance to complain I promise"  lan xichen

" acheng it's about your life so I think you have to decide I will respect your decision " Jiang Fengmia while madam yu assure him with her soft eyes

" I m not gonna separate my children from their father but I m also not going to live with him so I decided that every year for 1 month my children can live with their father and other 11 months they will live  with me while I will help you baba to handle Jiang that's what I want hope you all support me " Jiang cheng

" I m with you acheng " Chanze while cangse nod her head in agreement

" as your father I also approve your decision " Jiang Fengmia and madam yu squeezed his hand lightly to show her support but suddenly wei ying said

" I think cheng gege when you send your children in lan clan for 1 month you should also go with them so might be you can gave one chance to your marriage in future ....I m not forced you but just think at once gege it's easy to break a relation but maintain it is the real think to handle I know he is wrong and I  also decided not to involve in your personal life but gege life is too long and if you can save a relation then it's a good think "

Xichen is thankful to wei ying while everyone is thinking about it as a parent they can deny it because they saw their child in pain but as a sensible human and leader they can't deny it that it's much better if you can save a breaking relationship

" Wei ying tell me one thing if wangji come to you and ask for forgiveness will you forgive him" Jiang cheng

" yes I will if he come to me and promise me that he will love me ,believe me and pamper me then I will forgive him I will make my regretful marriage to regretfree marriage if I got a chance
Gege you can break your relation very easily but just think about your children as a normal children they also want their parents together and for you I know you want time so take your time and spend just 1 month with xichen ge every year  and if you think that you can give him one last chance then give him or if you think  you want to live with someone else then it's also good we support or if you want to manage Jiang clan you can do but atleast just give it a try not for clans, not for society, not for parents, not for children and not for him just give it a try for yourself "

Everyone astonished to see his sensibility while wei couple just too proud over their child

" you guys talk I m tired I m going to sleep and Maa when I will wake up please make so much spicy food for me Ok...I m going " With this he went to his room and leave behind a bunch of people to think what is right and what is wrong

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