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Wei ying went to rest but leave his family in deep thinking


Wei ying's pov

I know, I decided to not interfere but I can feel xichen ge's guilt and regret and we can't punish innocent children for their parent's mistake
I know mine and theirs marriage is a regretful event for us but if we make it regretfree than we have to do that
I also want my lan zhan come to me and take me with him so that me and our child can live happily but it still has 5 months left for our reunion
Ahh I m waiting my alpha


Wei couple, Jiang family and lan xichen sitting silently one side where lan xichen thanking Ying in his head and all other thinking about wei ying's suggestion and acheng said

" just for my children I m ready to follow a-xian's suggestion but you will not force me fir anything " while xichen just nod

Sometime later everyone went to rest and madam wei went to kitchen to make food for her pregnant son

Days went like this lan xichen went back to lan clan to give that news to everyone and Jiang couple also went to their clan ,while wei ying continue to meet lan wangji everyday and learn about him more ....with this almost 2 months passed quietly and now wei ying is 4 months pregnant and his belly start to show

And today he feel so much uneasiness he is sweating badly and his color also went pale when madam wei come to meet her son she become shocked and ask

" ying baobae what happen why are you become pale and why are you sweating that much " cangse

" maa I don't know I felt so uneasy I don't know why " ying

" let me call the healer " cangse And she went outside and said a deciple to call senior healer

Sometime later healer come and check wei ying and he become tense and said

" madam wei someone giving him slow poison to kill his childer " healer

" what poison in wei clan and children " shocked lady wei

" yes sect lady poison and he is pregnant with twins baby and he is still fine because his both children are rare alphas or omegas that's why they are still alive " healer

" but sect healer who can do this and why someone wants to kill my baby or his children " cangse

" I don't know madam wei but we have to inform sect leader about it " healer and cangse just nod and said a deciple to inform sect leader that madam wei call him


Sect leader lan and madam lan somehow manage everything while everyday sect leader lan went to meet his brother so that he can change his mentally and it works now he is also change and decide to teach sect omegas as a teacher so that they can also live their live independently
He also think to meet wei wuxian and ask his forgive and take him back in lan clan as he realized how wrong he was on past ,so he decided to go wei clan and with his brother's permission he leave lan clan to wei Sect.

While on otherside lan wangji is waiting for xuan but he doesn't come and somehow he feel that something is not good he also feel that his omega is in pain so he also decided to go wei manor and meet his omega After that he again start his punishment according to his father's order,  so he also start his journey to wei manor


A bunch of people sit together and discuss something but a man suddenly stand and shout

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A bunch of people sit together and discuss something but a man suddenly stand and shout


While another person try to calm him

" don't worry that's not gonna he happen that omega and his child will die soon I m sure and after that wei Sect and lan will become enemies and we will rule that time "

With this one by one everyone leave that place except those two
One asked " are you sure he will die "
Another one " yes I m more that sure my people giving him poison everyday he will die soon sect leader wen " yes that person is no one else but wen ruhan

"Hmm hope you will not disappoint me jin Guangshan " and the another one is jin Guangshan
And both wen and jin sect want to kill wei ying Well that's their plan so that they can rule over entire China because lan clan is only clan in which rare alpha birth every generation

IN past they also try to bribe wei chanze as he is also rare alpha with too smartness and extremely good fighting skill but wei chanze is a man of honesty and moral so they fail so now to defeat lan clan they have to make sure that another rare alpha don't birth in lan clan

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