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Hi guys hope you all are doing good first thank you so so so so much for 1k views on reality of wei ying
And second I was out of station in Uttarakhand for a sudden family trip so I was not able to update so sorry for that but I will try to update regularly
Thank you guys, now enjoy

Like sect leader Jiang sect leader nei also take his beta brother back because he know that his brother is not happy and for wen qing she also take permission from lan zhouling to leave lan sect as she wants to pursue her dream to become a healer and she also start her journey to wei Sect because it's the only sect which allow freedom to everyone

Wangji also reach to wei Sect and he is totally astonished to see the ambience of wei Sect full market filled with alphas, omegas and beta everyone doing their own works , husband and wife help each other , lovers and couples walking with tangled their hands and smiling to each other everyone giving respect to each other

Then he think about lan sect where you can only saw alphas while omegas don't come infront of others

Well he is tired so he went to a inn which is looking small but cozy actually it's a medium size house which a beautiful couple turned into a guesthouses but only two rooms so they can earn some more for future

Wangji was sitting on a small mat in front of  which a small size table placed
A lady approx 5months pregnant come to him
" young master what would you like to order " lady

" qizi how many times I have to said you to take rest are pregnant please take some rest love I will handle everything " her husband

" Oh Zangfu you do work all day long let me handle this healer said I m fine and I have to move myself a little so it will be ease on delivery time " wife

" No just sit and rest and let me handle my lady " husband

" yes young master your order " that man

" tea and some simple non spicy snacks thank you " wangji
" Ok young master just wait for sometime " and that man take his leave with his wife's one last look


I just listen their conversation and I come to realize that this what a marital relationship is like not the one which I saw in lan clan
I realized in marriage we have to respect each other, love each other, talk to each other , stand for our partner and give freedom to your better half
Now I understand how much wrong I did with my other two wife's and my dear wei ying but know I will make everything right, I will never let anyone interfere in my marriage life
I m thank full to my father who send me here I will learn everything for my wei ying just wait for me my love


wangji eat his tea and snacks and went to a school nearby and request if he get any job and he got a job of teacher in school and they also provide him a room to live .

From next day he start to teach students and also start to learn something everyday and he come to realize how much wrong lan sect was doing on the name of rules and their false ego and dignity
They don't even cares for anyone's feelings at once such a shame

Where on otherside in wei manor after 1 week finally wei ying open his eyes

" water" ying
One healer help him to sit and give him some water for drink after sometime later wei chanze and cangse seren come to ying's room with Jiang family

" a-xian are you OK baobae, are you feeling pain or any discomfort tell me my baby " cangse

" No maa I am OK but why i m here in wei Sect and why cheng ge is here " ying

" We will explain you everything dear but first take some rest and eat something after that we will tell you everything happen in this 1 week " chanze while ying nod in agreement

Few hours later wei family and Jiang family sitting together Where everyone try to console ying as they told him everything and for ying he is happy that he is going to be a mother but half part of his sad because his alpha not even one support him and not come here to meet or check him if he is alive or not


It's appox mid night everyone is sleeping but Ying he is still wake up and thinking about those 1 month he spend in lan clan ,everything he suffered there , every humiliation and his husband , his alpha, who not even for once try to understand him or lisent his point of view but everytime just told him you have to learn it , you have to manage it, now you are in lan clan and you have to behave as a perfect lan omega and all the bullshit

And he decided that he will do everything his ask him because his father always wants good for him and whit this he can live a peaceful and happy life with his child now he lived his life like a free omega as his and wangji's marriage cancel by his father and sect leader lan


Wei ying again come to his real self for his parents and elders who cares for him and also for his baby

" maa I m so hungry please make something tasty and spicy for me." Ying with a pout

" Ok my sweet baby "  cangse as she is relief that his son is doing fine now

" anty yu I also want lotus rout rib soup please make for me with so much species "

" Ok my little bunny sit here with cheng while I and your maa make tasty food for you " and both ladies take their leave

" cheng ge are you happy with all this " ying

" you know what didi I feel so free and light and for my children they also looking happy here because for the first time someone pamper them and let them be a child not like in lan clan where their day start with rules and end with rules they are smiling freely and that's all I want and for my marriage sometime I also think myself just a sex slave for 2 days sect leader lan live in my quarter but all these time he didn't even bothered if I m fine or not he just told me about his burdens and duties but I m feeling he don't care
Now I m free I m gonna live my life like that ,I will help baba in sect matters and for my children they will live and take education in Jiang sect where no one criticize me and my children for being a beta " cheng with teary eyes

" I will support you gege " ying

Hi everyone so here is the next part please enjoy it
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