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With lots of happiness and joy lan ying finally enter in his 9th month ,now he can give birth anytime
So madam wei is also come to gusu So that she can personal assure everything and help madam lan and wangji with his tantrums while sect leader wei decided to come after birth because everyone drop all responsibility on his head and he can't deny So he also start pouting 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅


Currently lan ying and wangji enjoying their sleep while cuddling each other but suddenly lan ying wake up and start looking his husband intensily and after sometime start shaking him

" Zangfu wake up wake up ...your most beautiful wifey needs you wake up " lan ying said in baby voice

When wangji feel that someone shaking he wake and sit and see his wife with a innocent baby face

" what happen love " wangji

" Zangfu love me" lan ying in dominating voice

" baobae It's not good to do this are 9 months pregnant " wangji in gentle tone

" But I need it " lan ying with teary 😢 😭 eyes

" qizi don't cry let me help you OK we can't do sex but I will satisfied you " wangji
And with this he start pleasuring him and soon he release and again fall down without saying anything 😁😁😁😁😁

" seriously you fall down leaving me like this ....ahhh oh god why me"
And he also start pleasuring himself imagining his wife
And again go back to sleep 😴 💤


Wangji and lan ying playing with their bunnies along with their children when he sometime weired and feel mild pain when wangji ask

"What happen love " wangji
But ying's expression start changing and at last he start crying and said

" lan zhan pain ....pain ahhh it's too much lan zhan do something "

Wangji take him in bridal style and start running toward healer room
Healer take ying inside but said wangji to wait outside while the diciples seen him immediately inform lan family and everyone come, madam lan ,madam wei and other omegas went inside to help healer while lan xichen, lan zhouling and qiren try console him
But from inside they can  only listen screaming and cursing sound for wangji like

" lan fuck wangji I will kill you if you touch me again aaaaa"

" you bastard next time you will be carry baby inside you aaaaaa aaaaaaaa"

While outside everyone try to control their laugh and wangji just embarrassed as hell to listen his wife

Almost 2 hours later healer and his assistant come with two cute babies and gave them to hangunjun

" hangunjun that one is first born he is a rare alpha boy while he born 20 minutes later he is a rare omega like his mother " healer

" how is lan ying " wangji

" ahh he is fine just very exhaust so fell sleep he will wake sometime later , you can see him" healer

And Wangji gave his children to his brother and father and went inside to see his omega

He sit beside lan ying and crease his head softly and lovingly

" baobae tou do great wake up soon " Wangji

Midwife and his family members help  to feed children and change their clothes while lan Ying woke at evening

When he hold his children for first time he just can't express that feeling and start crying while wangji consoling him

After 1 month with a great celebrate they do name ceremony and gave wangxian's children beautiful names

For alpha boy they name him lan shizui while ying like to call him ayuan and for omega child they name him lan jingyi and ying call him a-yi

With this they live their life happily and peaceful

Hi guys I know it's too short but that's all I think hope you like
So please vote, share, comment and follow me pretty please
Thank you 😊 💓 ☺️ 💗 💛

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