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Wei ying wake earlier than his time and wear beautiful robe for his alpha and ask his father for permission and sect leader wei allow him and sing his spy to keep eye on him and wei ying take his leave and went toward school

He reach to school and ask a teacher about new teacher lan and they told him that he is giving sword training to senior diciples and wei ying also start hopping to see his alpha When he come in training ground he saw his alpha's beautiful fighting...

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He reach to school and ask a teacher about new teacher lan and they told him that he is giving sword training to senior diciples and wei ying also start hopping to see his alpha
When he come in training ground he saw his alpha's beautiful fighting moves

After sometime wangji stop class and wei ying come to him and said

" wow your skills are too good wangji "
" thank you xuan " wangji

" wangji would you like to join me for lunch " xuan

" Oh let's go to nearest food court " wangji
And both start walking together silently but how can wei ying stay silent so he ask
" wangji why are you here can you tell me in brief " xuan

" I did wrong with my omega and now I m regret on it And don't support him when he need me ,I just follow my sarcasting rules I choose to stay silent when my own people humiliating my mate .....I didn't console him but I slap him know not even his parents scold him for once and I his so called alpha slap him just after our wedding just because he said truth " wangji with his sad voice

"Wangji you do wrong very wrong but now when you realize it just go to him and ask for his forgiveness,..I m sure he will understand you wangji " xuan
Xuan said that because he is wei ying and he can feel his alpha's pain ,he can feel how much he regret right now hence he decided if wangji come to him he will forgive him and accept him whole heartily obviously he doesn't want to raise their child alone .

" I also want it ,I want to protect him,pamper him ,show him how much I love him every moment, I want to take care of our child but I m scared if he will forgive me or not ....what if he reject me " wangji with teary eyes

" it's too hard to reject your fated one and he will definitely understand you and will give you a chance.....just try " xuan

" thank you xuan ....can I ask you something if you don't mind " wangji

" sure wangji "

" why you always put that veil "

" hehehe actually it just so hot so I just protect my skin from tan and I decided that when my alpha come back from his work after that I will remove that veil "
" you are married "

" yes , even I am two months pregnant " xuan

" my omega is also 2 months pregnant but I m not with him to pamper him....why I did that all ....l m truly a idiot " wangji

" wangji please don't cry it doesn't suits you OK just fight "

" Hmm just 5 more months and I will take my mate back with me "

" what do you mean 5 more months "

" it's my punishment to stay in wei Sect and learn to respect everyone equally and understand the equality between all"

" oh that's OK "

With this they both start eating and most of time wei ying blabbering while wangji lisent everything patientfully somehow with xuan he feel that his wei ying is with him ,he use to comfortable around xuan

After lunch both take their leave with promise they will meet again tomorrow

And wei ying went back to wei manor hopping like a bunny 🐰 🐇


Wei ying sitting with his family along with Jiang cheng when a diciple come to inform that

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Wei ying sitting with his family along with Jiang cheng when a diciple come to inform that

" sect leader master lan xichen is coming to meet you he waiting in wanting room " diciple

" We are coming " Wei chanze
With this diciple take his leave

" uncle wei I m not going to meet him " cheng stubbornly

"Cheng today or someday you have to face him then why not today " Chanze calmly
" Ok if you say but if he do something I don't like then I will break his teeth " fuming cheng
While other three start laughing
" sure sure our angry grape 🍇 😤 " heheh Chanze

With this they all went toward waiting area to meet lan xichen


Lan xichen is sitting quietly and waiting for his wife and wei family

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Lan xichen is sitting quietly and waiting for his wife and wei family. When wei family and Jiang cheng come in waiting room

" hello sect leader wei, madam wei " and he bow down while wei family also bow back him and take their sit while Jiang cheng not take even a glance of lan xichen like he doesn't exist for him

" so first master lan you are here may we know the reason " Wei chanze

" sect leader I m here to take my wife and children back with me " lan xichen
" wife and children do you even know how many time to you come to your pregnant wife and how much you know about your children you know nothing first master lan " fuming Jiang cheng start shouting on him after listening his reason and after listen cheng xichen can't help but feel more guilty because he is right he meet cheng least during his pregnancy and he know nothing about his children so he just down his head

" acheng Clam down that's not the way of talking in front of others and for you first master lan if this your reason then I will send a letter to sect leader Jiang because he is Cheng's father i m only his uncle so you can wait , if you like you can stay here " Wei chanze while xichen just nod atleast he has sometime to spend with cheng and he can show him his sincerity.

While cheng just leave Tea room madly and wei ying just follow him to his room so he can help him to calm down as he decided he will not interfere in anyone's matter so he can only do this to his brother

Hi guys I know I m late but sorry I just not feel good hence I don't update please enjoy this chapter
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