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Later in evening both lan Ying and wangji come to meeting hall of wei manor and

" lan ying I know I was wrong in past please forgive me " qiren

" uncle no need for it I already forgot everything, you are my elder it doesn't suits you to kneel down in front of me....please uncle let's forgot everything" lan ying

" of course dear " qiren

" a-xian we decided that from now on you will live in lan clan again with your alpha and your's for you and your family " Wei chanze

" Ok baba as you said " ying

" Ok then two days later you will go with lans till then rest" cangse

With this they all enjoy their time together and after dinner went their rooms for rest and beauty sleep


Wei ying and wangji enjoy their time while cuddling each other and then

" baobae please forgive me too ,I promise that I will treasure you love please forgive me." Wangji

" lan zhan I said na that I already forgot everything....I just want equality among everyone....I just don't want omegas or fertile beta regret over their marriage life know marriage is not adjustment or compromise it's a life time deal to love each other, protect each ,understand each other and believe each other .....there is no place for ego or comparison Zangfu " ying

And wangji just hug him tightly and start kissing him slowly and lovingly like he want to show that he understand everything and will follow it and make their married happy and successful


It's one month now that lan ying come back in lan clan and living happily in this time wen qing and nie huisang also come to meet him
Nei huisang and wen qing also tell him their wish that wen qing want a famous healer and roam round all world to help everyone and huisang want to marry qing's younger brother wen ning who lived with dafan wens and help them to survive

Lan ying discuss it with wangji and he promised him that he will help them while for children if they want so they can take them
But wen qing decided that she leave her children here so that they don't lack and anything and lan ying promise her to take care her children like his own children
For nei huisang wen ning doesn't have any problem so he will take his children

Few days later wangji request nei Mingjue that he allow huisang to marry wen alpha wen ning and for him brother's happiness he is also ready and within somedays They both get marry and now they lived in dafan village

And wen qing also take her leave with a promise that she will come to meet her children time to time

Everything is going fine wangji didn't allow anyone to enter in jinshi he himself clean their home and prepare food and also clean clothes....he just can't take any risk with his mate .

While lan qiren start teaching omegas about economics and politics while lan zhouling announce that in every 10 helpers or employees there should be 4 omegas employees are compulsory

Lan clan took a major step in history
For lan xichen and Jiang cheng they are same as before, lan xichen desperately waiting for that 1 month so that he spend his time with his beta children and his beta wife

While lan wangji secretly investigating for the culprit try to poison his mate and omega with the help of xue Yang and his beta love xiao Xingchen as Xingchen is a vendor he travel alot

And one day xue Yang call wangji to meet him in caiyi town


" xue Yang will you stop eating and tell me what you find " wangji

" Master wangji let me eat first I m hungry " pouty xue Yang

" xue you can tell while eating baobae " xiao Xingchen

" Ok I went for a sect conferences in jin clan last month your brother was also there . When I come back from their so near wen sect I reach at a dark abondan place and I saw sect leader jin, sect leader jin ,and wen chao and I find something strange when they said that can't be happen so I here more and they said that lan wuxian has to die ,he can't gave birth and now I m sure that they are the one who try to poison lan ying " xue Yang

" I will kill them " wangji 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤

" they try to poison him ,so you have to do same ......I think you should not involve innocents in this well that's young master jin who advice it " xue Yang

" is he going to help us " wangji with shocked expression

" yes he also tired due to his father's crime and acts and for his vlan he is ready and about wen ruhan his concubine is ready to help us she suffering from uncureable disease but she want protection for his omega son mo xuanyu
For wen chao he is nothing without his father" xiao Xingchen

" yes you are right let's do it " wangji
After some more discussion he went back to lan clan to his omega and his children as he known that somedays later good news will come it self

As he think 1 week later every clan informed about jin Guangshan and wen ruhan's death

For jin Guangshan his son jin zixuan told everyone that his water fell on river at night and he doesn't know swim in simple it's an accident while his mother madam jin also agree with his son as she known how disgusting her husband was and now jin zixuan is new sect leader of jin clan while jin yanli who is pregnant with another child is madam jin now
While zixuan's mother now become sect mother and try to change jin sect as lan sect

For wen ruhan his concubine lady mo surrender herself as she know she will die soon and xioa Xingchen take her son with him secretly and according to everyone wen chao is not able to handle wen sect so his first cousin wen ning will be wen sect leader from now on and wen chao can't do anything except follow his orders

So now everything is going smoothly and happily every sect try to change their rules for good
And in lan clan wangji tell his father, uncle and brother about everything and everyone is supporting him while lan Ying enjoying his pregnancy time happily and throwing tantrums on everyone he doesn't even spare lan zhouling and lan qiren

He forced him both to cook something spicy for him and sometime he want snacks from caiyi town but when they send deciples he refused and said that babies want their grandfather to take snacks himself not by deciples 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

While whenever wangji try to romance with him ,he seriously kick him and said go and sleep him children and he himself spread himself on full bed and that time wangji is one who pout but his bunny doesn't even glance him once

Now jin guangyao is madam lan of lan sect while lan xichen again handle his sect leader's position
Jin miamian help jin guangyao in his work and enjoy her free time with children and lan ying she also cook for him his favorite food
While lan zhouling and lan mei busy to taking care of their grandchildren

Hi guys hope you all doing good
So please enjoy this part ,hope you like it
And there is only one part is left
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