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Next wangji and qiren reach wei manor together where everyone is worried for wei ying when qiren said

" sect leader wei what happen ,why are you looking so worried " qiren

" elder master lan you are here " Wei chanze

" yes, actually I m here for ask forgiveness from lan ying ,I understand that I was wrong ....but why are you looking so worried " qiren

" someone try to poison ying " chanze

" WHAT " wangji

" yes wangji someone put slow poison on his food but how can someone do this in wei manor " cangse

" I know why this all happen " qiren

" what do you mean uncle " wangji

" wangji, sect leader wei, madam wei from last three generations our clan constantly rule on other clan because of that those shameless jerks don't want that lan ying to give birth as lan ying and wangji both are rare so their child surly be an rare one so they want to kill both so them ....." qiren

" Nothing will happen with my omega and child " wangji in deep and dangerous voice

" children ying is pregnant with twins baby should meet him come with me I will take you " cangse

Both cangse and wangji went toward wei ying's room and qiren and chanze start discuss how to protect lan ying


Wei ying is looking outside of window , he is pale and looking ill when wangji enter in room
Madam wei take his leave and wangji lock door and went toward wei ying

" lan ying baobae " wangji in sweet voice

Wei ying look at wangji and hug him tightly while his tears flow down from his eyes

" lan zhan you come ...lan zhan please save our babies I will die if something happen with my children " wei ying

" Nothing will happen our children....I will kill that person who try to kill you and our babies " wangji

After sometime later they break their hug and wangji sit beside him

" lan zhan you are here " ying

" I don't know why I feel uneasy and I can't stop myself and come here, uncle is also here he want your forgiveness we both understand and learn our lesson please baobae forgive us " wangji

" you come here because xuan is not come today m I right " ying

" how do you know love " wangji in worried tone he think might be his wife misunderstood him

" hehehe actually I m xuan smell smell " ying
Wangji come to his scent gland and smell and he feel that same fragrance as xuan

" you " wangji

" I was come to take a round of school when I see you so I decided to meet you and after knowing everything I decided to wait for you and also try to understand you " ying
And wangji hug him tightly and start crying and ying let him cry sometime it's better to pour your all emotions so you can feel light so ying doesn't stop him he just rub his back while hugging him

" you don't know baobae how much I crave to crease your belly whenever I see you don't know how much I want to come to you and hug ,kiss you , pamper you and love you don't know how much I crave for you " wangji

Sometime later he calm down and see that his wife sleep silently and cutely like a bunny so he lay him down and covered him with quilt and he also lay beside him and think that who can do this

Hi guys I know that's short so sorry next time I will update a long chapter and thus story will finish in 2 more chapter and then I will update other ffs so please wait guys

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