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when lan ying woke up in morning he is feeling intense pain in his whole body and notice mild change in his beautiful lotus scent with slightly sandalwood texture of wangji because now he is claimed by wangji as he bite on his neck and marked him his omega
But when wei ying turn his eyes towards  study table he saw a angry wangji

" wangji what happen why are you looking angry us something happen " ying
" lan ying didn't I said you that we have some rule which everyone follow here now you are lan ying not wei ying then why are you late remember if next time you woke up late then you will punish for it" wangji with cold face
With this he take his leave without seeing his sad eyes and pale face
' seriously, just because I woke late you scold me in that cold way
Why you don't understand that I born and live a different place for years it's not a joke to adjust myself in your environment instantly
Why you like this, I can understand that you always live in gusu you always follow your rules , you always tolerate elders Strictness but can't you use your mind , can't you think or understand facts
I m seriously going to be regret in my entire life ' thinks lan ying

" lan ying what happen why you not ready
Get ready fast " lan qing with huisang come to lan ying to take her for other rituals

" Qing jie , sang ge please come and sit "
"What happened ying you looking sad " huisang
" ge, jie am I only one  or wangji don't understand anyone"
" Hmm now we understand why you are  sad but let me explain you something lan ying you are from different places where your father sect leader wei raise you and treat everyone with different mid set he believe in equality and freedom so he gave it to everyone but in other sect they all have a dirty and disgusting mind set here alphas only wants to be superior and make omegas weak and to torture them physically and mentally and we can't do anything so please make yourself strong to tolerate it and it nothing there is also a lot to tolerate so when you feel that you want someone's shoulder come to us we usually do it to feel light we can only do this to you " Qing
" now get ready other wish head diciple will be more angry please fast ying" huisang
Lan ying nod and went to get ready and come in few minutes
Qing and huisang take him to madam lan who is in kitchen with lan xichen's wives
" ah ying come today you have to make food for everyone for it's a ritual Ok if you need anything call us Ok " With it everyone went out but ying hold cheng's hand tightly

" yes ying what happen didi "
" gege I don't know how to cook what will I do now"
" Oh a-xian Ok do one think cut all vegetables and boil it in water with mild seasoning and Ok put rice in pot and add water and cook it with little bit salt just middle and cut some green vegetables finly and and cook it with water, salt , seasoning and when cook it till it boil in dense form and with 2 spoon of corn starch cook it in soupy texture it's all enough for breakfast Ok now I have to go " lan cheng

Lan ying start doing everything according to cheng's instructions but as he never cook anything so he make a big blunder in kitchen he cut vegetables very thick and put too much salt and seasoning and rice cook it's also half burn but somehow he put all food on dinning table

Everyone sit on dinning sits but when they see breakfast no one wants to eat it but food waste is bane in gusu so somehow they eat but after that elder start criticizing ying some said
" what type of omega you are if you don't make a simple breakfast "
" is this how sect leader wei and madam wei raise you and teach you"
" you are great shame on omega "
After going back to his room he doesn't stop himself from cry and he shead it out something later cheng come to his room hug him while he is crying terribly few minutes later other ladies with madam lan come and console him
" my father teach me how to educate someone, my father teach me everyone has their own talent , everyone has lack something ,my mother teach me no one is perfect but everyone is perfect in their own way my parents raise me with  great love, care and affection " ying said with tears while madam lan try to console him as his child
" yes baobae you are perfect in your way , your parents raise you with love , that clan don't deserve you my son
Now calm down it's not good for your health " After sometime later ying calm down and everyone get back to their rooms

Wangji come to jinshi with  books in his hand and give it to ying
" what is this "
" this one is our rule book and this one is cooking book for you, you have to learn cooking elder wants it "
Now it's too much fir wei ying first this man not say a single word for him infront of his elder and now he doesn't even ask you are Ok or not but directly order him to learn cooking because elders wants
" lan wangji do you have even little bit of emotions ir not
You elders want this  what that do even ask me at once what I want
You married me not buy me
Do you even know what is marriage " angry lan ying
" lan wuxian be in your limits don't forget you are my omega"
" yes I m your omega not prisoner and you know what I m not a shame on omega But your sect, and elders just know how to suppers someone with your ego" just after ying said that and wangji slap him tightly with it ying falls on bed
" I told you be in your limits don't forget now you are lan ying now sleep we have to wake up on 5am don't forget "
He doesn't said sorry or console him he just again scold him went to sleep but for ying it's something unexpected his his all life not even his father scold him But here that man who is his father not even just scold him But also slap him ying just sitting blankly on floor for entire night.

Hi guys I know a I being heartless here but hope you all like this chapter
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