~3.5~ blood and alter-

113 9 12

Tw: swearing, knives, self harm, gore, blood (i'd assume this one was obvious tho) and implied mental disorders (idk if that's a trigger but just in case).

A/n: the implied events of last chapter take place here, so be warned. This is also really short, hence the ".5", although I'd say its more ".2"


Owen looked down at his blood-soaked hand, searing pain the only thing he could feel. He pulled out some bandages and tightly wrapped his head. The voices were screaming at him in horror, but what else was new?

"It was necessary. If I wanted to make a convincing argument, I'd have to show some sign of a fight. If I said he attacked me and I was unscathed, I would be sent straight to prison. The pest will have a hard time convincing everyone I gouged my own eye out. Speaking of which, I'll wait for the bleeding to stop and pay them a visit. Wonder if that demon's "freinds" will be so loyal when his story doesn't add up."

Barely an hour later, the bleeding had stopped.

Owen hadn't stopped at his eye.

Despite the horrified voices screams, he'd sliced a few more gashes in himself.

"I'm used to it," he said at one of his voices asking how he dealt with hurting himself and the pain.

Owen ignored any remarks asking which he was used to.

The guilty voice (Owen had chosen to call him maze!owen) had effectively shut up. That was a bonus. Owen had been struggling to remain in front, headaches becoming more and more frequent. He could hear Maze!Owen's protests at what he was doing, and the hallucinations were getting worse, but he refused to let this person control who he was.

After all, maze!Owen was simply a product of the manipulation he so hated in demons.

And Owen's real self was finally back in charge.

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