~12~ A small talk

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Date written - 9/24/23

Date published - OCTOBER 3RD APPERENTLY OML (but actually 11/9, a day early because i'll 100% forget on my day off for vets day)

Happy early Armistice Day/Veterans day/Remembrance day 💙 ❤

I think we can all agree c!Owen doesn't count

A/n: Tutle

It had been a week since the trial, seven days in prison. When Apo had been imprisoned, the cell was just under room temperature, nearly fall temperature despite the lava pouring down all around, because of the solid stone walls and the depth underground.

Now, it was warm.

Owen had barely slept in those days. He spent his nights pacing around the cell, writing in his journal, and the days sitting on the bed and thinking. He barely ate, slept only when his body forced him to and never in the bed, and only drank water when he was forced to, either by pack of willpower or by Red.

Red had taken Guts' place as his warden, though Owen wasn't sure why. He assumed it was to be a constant reminder of his failure, as Red was Apo's friend now.

The thing was, Red wasn't acting towards Owen with hostility, despite siding with the-

"Demons. Subsection three: Half-demons.

Half demons are usually half-humans, a result of some unholy pregnancy years ago. True half-demons are nearly nonexistent now. The 'half demons' that now exist are a result of half demon parents. While rare, occasionally demons will be half animal. This can be a result of genetic mutation in the animal, or genetic mutation in the demon. These creatures are harmless. A recent discovery was made, however, of half-dragons. These creatures have severe god complexes and are extremely hostile. They have a high immunity to pain and a resilient spirit, and are the hardest to kill. They're known for cannibalism and-"

Owen scratched out the last word and added a punctuation mark. He'd been muttering under his breath for an hour.

Red watched him.

"For someone who hates demons so much, you know a lot about them."

Owen nodded. "They're cunning. To defeat them, you have to know them better than they know themselves. Their diets, habits, emotions, disguises, personalities. Everything. They're dangerous and should be treated as such."

Red shrugged. "I dunno, Apo might be committing mass genocide to the population of fish in the clearing, but he seems pretty harmless to me. Guts is pretty nice, they're intimidating but never make a move to hurt anyone, and Rasbi... actually you probably know her better than I do. But I don't have anything against them in particular, just against the whole clearing. "

"So you recognize how impulsive and ignorant they can be?"

"Well, quick to judge and point fingers for sure."

Owen raised an eyebrow.

"That dosent mean I think that applies to you, you deserved worse than jail time. Don't even try to convince me otherwise, I may not be the smartest but I know a hateful person when I see them."

Owen shrugged. "I wasn't trying to. I know a person who's hiding something when I see them. Even if I don't always know what."

If Red was taken aback by this, he didn't show it. He just watched Owen continue scribbling out about demons and drank some beer.

"Any particular reason you hate them so much?" Red asked, half curious.

"You're awful talkative for a warden." Owen said dismissively. "Besides, I already told you."

Red shrugged. "I mean, being 'cunning' is a pretty common trait. Besides, if you hated everyone who was cunning, you'd hate yourself too."

I do.

"Demons are different." Owen snapped the book shut and sat down on the bed, legs crossed, to face Red.

"They hurt humans. They're dangerous, and they enjoy seeing humans in pain. They're vengeful, impulsive, and constantly fight. They're often scared but rarely show it. If you saw the hatred in their eyes when they saw us, you'd be singing a different tune."

Red watched him lean back and cross his arms, awaiting a response. Owen's already long bangs had started growing out more, and he had tied his hair into a ponytail with some string. His eyes were deep orange, though Red felt like they hadn't always been as such.

"No, I think I saw the hatred in their eyes that you're talking about."

"Oh?" Owen said with no surprise in his voice. "Ahh, Krow. It was a good example, though I'm not sure why you'd side with it."

Red shook his head. "No, Krow wanted revenge. That wasn't exactly a look of hate, it was crazed anger and then repulsed stares. And before you even mention her, Rasbi was the same."

Owen's eyes narrowed. "Well, where have you seen it then?"

Red's expression hardened. "From you."

Owen laughed. "No, I hate them because they hurt people. That's a completely different kind of hate."

Red gave him a look of half amusement. "Haven't you considered that maybe they hate you for the same reason? I mean, with the fear of repercussions you tried to kill two people. I can't see you on the battlefield doing less. Hell, you've probably killed thousands."

Owen whispered something to himself, grinning, that Red didn't hear.

"What'd you say?"

Owen looked at him, still smiling, reminiscing. "Tens of. Maybe even hundreds, though I don't want to give myself too much credit. Not all by hand, of course, but with the battalions I was in command of, the villages we burnt, the battles we won..."

Red was liking Owen less and less, and was truly feeling somewhat disgusted. He had no clue how Apo could have ever been remotely like this, let alone why Red was talking to Owen.

Yet, for some reason, he felt the need to keep trying. Owen seemed like he genuinely thought he was doing something right, and as long as he thought Red was human, he was willing to explain his nonexistent reasoning.

Maybe Red could get through to him.

He decided not to wonder what would happen if Owen eventually learned who Red was. That was a problem for another day.

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