~19~ "-And burn"

45 3 0

A/n: Keep a note of the TWs my raindrops, there's a lot, and this is quite the heavy chapter. (It's only downhill from here, about 3 chapters left!)
Tw: death, immense pain, fire, panic, mania, death of loved ones, thoughts of death, imprisonment with fear, war, self harm, self hatred, hell mentions, burn mentions, blood, burn descriptions, mentions of torture, ect.

Around 2.2k words

Owen woke up.

He immediately wished he hadn't.

The reason he'd awoken was a strange tingling in his arm, and as he jolted awake, the sensation grew. By the time he opened his eyes, the sensation was worse tenfold and was on multiple spots all over him. It covered his arms, his chest, and spots on his legs. Instinctively, he slapped at the places that were burning, only to have the now-recognisable sensation of pure agony spread to his palms.

In a panic, he stood up and backed into a corner, desperately trying to shake whatever was hurting him off. Only after he stood up did he make sense of his surroundings.

He was in a blackstone cage. He'd known that already.

The cage was hot. He'd felt that already.

What he hadn't seen up to that point was that the ceiling was dripping lava.

Painfully slowly and all over the entire ceiling, small beads of the smoldering substance built up, growing from a speck to a drop to a blob, before falling to the ground and merging with the floor as they cooled. Owen looked back at his arm, checking to see the damages. He had to bite his lip to keep from screaming.

Miniscule drops of lava rolled down different parts of his body, cooling painfully slowly and leaving red lines in their path. Small bits of stone formed, cooling as it went. The pain was unlike any Owen had experienced. The bottom of his feet were burning; he hadn't slept with shoes on. The corner was dripping lava as well, nowhere was safe. Each second sent waves of burning an pain he hadn't though possible through him.

He remembered pain even close to this only once before. When he had picked up that book all those years ago.




Run Run Run
Run. Run


Run Run

Run Run Run
Run. Run


Run Run Run
Run. Run


Run Run

Run Run Run
Run. Run Run

Run Run Run
Run. Run


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