~10~ Walls, beds, and thoughts.

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A/n: Welcome back little raindrops, it's been a bit. Back to normal chapters finally! Hope you all enjoy!

(Fun fact, I had a dream I was writing the border for my a/n's after finishing the mini chapters. Like that was the whole dream, just °•~°•~. I should probably be getting more sleep lol)

Also, after writing this chapter I was listening to my Osmp playlist and the song Juliet by cavetown began playing, and it fit so well with the context of my chapter I decided to include it. Let's let fate run her course, yeah?/ref

Date to publish: 10/27/23 (24 days from today? Deadlines are creeping in!/j)

Decided to publish a day early since last week I published a day late lol

Who reads these lol

"Don't ever dirty my name again. Don't speak it, don't think it. We're through."

Nobody slept that night. Owen sat in prison, staring at the wall with hatred. Guts watched him to make sure he didn't make any attempt to escape. Rasbi sat fuming in her hiding spot, trying to plan a way to kill Owen. Krow was with Soup, Red and Ayngel, who were treating its many injuries and keeping an eye on it so that it wouldn't immediately go attack Owen. Red was there because Apo had asked to be left alone. Graecie and Beks tried their best to console Magic, and Ori was at the fire.

Apo sat in Squidney's old house, staring at the wall.

After the meeting, he'd asked Red to leave him alone. There was too much to think about and they didn't want Red getting in the way.

They trusted a human and now they're dead.

Apo had almost met the same fate. But humans still weren't all bad, right? Soup saved his life, Magic had never done anything particularly bad, and she was heartbroken at the fact that Owen had tried to kill two people. Graecie seemed kind enough, and she had spoken up for Apo when he was on trial, or at least had been fair to him.

Apo laid down into the bed. He'd spent a full day in that room, having just learned that Squidney died. He didn't consider her a great freind, but she was nice and he'd appreciated her while she was around. Apo wasn't sure if he missed her or not, if he did it was hard to tell.

The knot of painful emotion inside his chest seemed to be cutting off his breathing constantly. He'd never had time to process his village, and now on top of everything else, he felt the pain of that experience for the first time.

They felt like they were supposed to cry but couldn't bring themself to, for whatever reason.

Apo sighed and addressed his voices.

"Hey guys, it's been a bit. Only a day from the trial, but that probably feels like a lot to you. Not much has happened, I've just been... thinking."

Apo stood up from the bed, equipping his fishing rod.

"No use in doing nothing I guess... let's go fishing."


Owen sat on the bed, staring at the blackboard wall. He hadn't moved since being put in prison, other than the occasional shiver. He felt like his mind was asleep, buzzing with static and unfunctioning. After over a day of nothing, Guts spoke up.

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