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Chapter 6
Tom Kaulitz

Me and Bill just finished packing for tour. Gustav and Georg are gonna come get us then we're gonna go get Mads and Carter.

I hear a know on the door and then hear it open. I watch Gustav and Georg walk into the living room where I'm watching tv. "Ready to go?" Gustav asks. "Yeah. Let me go get bill." I say and get up from the couch.

I know on bills door a couple of times before opening it. "Bill! We're leaving." I yell. "Hold on!" I see him run out of his closet with a bunch on clothes in his hands. "Dude I thought you were done packing." I said I threw my hand up annoyed. "Yeah well so did I!" He shoves the clothes in his suitcase. "Ok let's go!" He says and we both run downstairs. My suitcase already being down there.


I see Mads come running out of her house first. "Hey!" I roll down my window and yell to her. She opens the car door. "Hi!" She says. She seems really excited. "Where's your suitcase?" Bill asks. "Oh carters bringing it out." She says and points to the door. We all look over and see Carter with two big suitcases trying to carry them. I start to laugh because he looks weird.

Gustav pops the trunk so Carter can put the bags in. He then gets in out of breath. "Ready?" Gustav asks. "Yup!" Mads says but she practically yells it out of excitement. "If I hadn't had so many bags to carry it wouldn't have taken me as long." Carter says while turning towards Mads and hitting her arm.

"Asshole!" She yells at him and pushes him into the car door. "Bitch!" He yells back then pushes her into me making me hit the car door. "Hey!" Bill yells and Mads and Carter look at him. "Stop acting like kids." He says acting like a mom.

"Ok mom." Mads says and rolls her eyes at bill. We all laugh. Bill then looks at us with the 'mom' look.


We finally get off the airplane after 5 hours and land in Australia. "It's so hot." Mads complains and fans herself with her hand. "You'll be fine." I say. She rolls her eyes at me.

"I'm hungry. We should get food!" Mads says and starts to walk towards the food area in the airport. We all agree. We haven't ate since we left the house.

Mads is deciding what to get. I run towards her and lift her in the air by her waist. "Put me down!" She yells at me and starts to kick her feet in the air. "No thanks." I wink at her. I eventually put her down and she hits my shoulder once she gets down. I smile at her and she flips me off.

Authors note. This chapter is kinda boring. Sorry I didn't post a chapter yesterday I was really busy with school work and didn't have wifi all day it was horrible.

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