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Chapter 16
Madison Kurt

"Let's go!" A man said as me and Carter run down
the hall way. We stop once Aaliyah comes over. "Come on we're gonna start soon!" She says and we all run to the couches where we're supposed to sit.

"Get ready we're going on in 3.. 2.. 1!" The director says. We get comfortable. "Hello!" The interviewer says. "Hi!" We all say back. "So have you all decided on your band name?" He asks us. "Yes we've decided on honest diamonds." I say. "Wow that's awesome! I've seen you guys have grown a lot over the past 2 years how does it feel?" The interviewer asks.

"It feels amazing to have all these people you don't even know to love you and love your music." Aaliyah says.

The interview ended after about 20 minutes of talking about our band and music. We're all sitting in our living room in the house we all share as a band. I hear my phone ring and get up. "I'll be back." I say and walk outside.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.

"Hey can I take you out tonight?" He asks.

"Yea. What time?" I ask.

"I'll pick you up around 7. Bye Angel." Tom says.

"Bye." I say and hang up.


I just finished getting ready for my date with Tom. I'm wearing a tight red mini dress with back heels and some makeup. It's 7:08 pm he was supposed to pick me up 10 minutes ago but I guess he's just a little late it happens sometimes.

It's now 7:30 and he's still not here so I decide I'll just go to him. I get in the car and start driving to the Kaulitz house where Tom and Bill live together.

I get out of my car and walk up to the front door. I knock a couple of times but no one answers so I just walk in. "Tom?" I yell in the house. I look around to see if anyone is here. I go upstairs and hear something.

I open bills bedroom door. "Bill?" I ask as I open the door. No one's in there. I then walk over to Toms room. I open the door and see Tom on top of another girl. I stand there in shock. "What the fuck!" I yell and Tom turns to look at me when he sees my face he looks shocked.

"Mads." He says and stands up. He has nothing on. "Please. Please let me explain." He says coming closer to me. "What? That your were fucking a girl before our date?" I say and give him a disgusted look. "Mads." He says quietly. "No! What the hell is wrong with you. Your a fucking player! God why the fuck am I so dumb! I was obviously getting played!" I say and start to walk out.

"Mads please let me explain." He says and follows me. "I love you." He says and it makes me stop on the stairs I turn around and walk up to him. "Fuck you!" I say and punch him in the jaw.

I run out and get into my car. I just sit there in my car and cry. I cry so hard I let it all out. All of my anger and sadness. I then see Tom run out of the house in clothes he comes up the my car and taps on the window.

I start the car and he taps harder. I flip him off the drive back home.


After whatever the hell happened with Tom I called Aaliyah and asked if she wanted to go out. She said yes and now we're on our way to a club. I haven't told her what happened yet and I don't think I want to because I don't really like telling her stuff like this.

I roll down my window and left the wind blow my hair around. It's dark outside and the stars are shining bright. I unbuckle my seatbelt and move so some of my body is out of the window.

The wind blowing my hair everywhere. I feel like I'm in a dream. "Be careful!" Aaliyah yells at me. I lean out the window ever more when she says that.

We arrive at the club and walk in. Right away you can see bright lights, people walking around with drinks, and people dancing on each other.

We push through the crowd and sit down.

"Hey! Can we get some drinks?" Aaliyah asks a waiter. He nods and walks away. "Why are you depressed tonight?" She asks me. "What? I'm not." I shake my head. "Mads you know you can tell me anything." She says.

"Ok fine." I pause. "I walked in on Tom and another girl." I say quietly but loud enough she can hear. "What?! He was fucking another girl before your guys date?" She says loudly.

"Here are your guys drinks." The waiter says and hands us our drinks. "Thank you." I say and smile at him. He then walks away.

"Yes he was fucking another girl." I turn and say to Aaliyah. I down my drink quickly. "Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be back." I say and get up.

I walk outside and sit on a bench. I grab my cigarettes and lighter from my purse. I light the cigarette and then inhale. Exhale.

I wonder what Toms doing right now. I bet he's in bed with another girl. Of course he is he's a fuck boy!

I see someone walking up to me. Once they get close enough they say "hey." And sit down next to me. "Hey bill." I say once I see who it is. "What's wrong?" He asks me. "I had a date with your brother but he had other plans I guess." I say and look down.

"What do you mean other plans he was talking about your guys date all day." He says. "Yeah well when he
was late to pick me up I went to your guys house and walked in on him with another bitch." I say and look at Bill. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. "I'm so sorry Mads. I didn't know." He says and hugs me.

"It's fine." I say into his shoulder. "No it's not fine. He's such an asshole." He says to me.

We pull apart and walk back into the club where Aaliyah is.

We dance and have fun for the rest of the night. I almost forgot what happened with Tom.

Authors note.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐘, ᵗᵒᵐ ᵏᵃᵘˡⁱᵗᶻ ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now