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Chapter 11
Madison Kurt

I got home from the party around 2 am. I went right to bed and I just woke up. I look at the time. 9:26 am. It's raining and dark outside I feel so relaxed whenever it rains it's so comfortable. I get up and go to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. After I finish in the bathroom I put on some black shorts and a oversized t shirt. I hear a knock at the door and go downstairs to get it. My mom and brother are out today I don't know where though.

I open the door to see Tom standing at my front door soaking wet. "Hey." He says. "Hi?" I say confused on why he's here because he's not with the others and he didn't call to tell me he's coming over which is what he usually does. "Can I come in?" He asks. "Yeah of course." I move out of the way so he can walk in.

We go upstairs to my room. "We need to talk." He says and sits on my bed. "I know." I say and sit next to him. "Look I'm sorry I kissed you. I thought you liked me." He says and faces me. "It's fine. You must have misunderstood." I say and look down. I thought I knew what it feels like to like someone. But I guess I don't because when I'm with Tom I feel different. Not what I feel like when I'm with the others. I think I like him. But I also thought I liked Bryan.

"Yeah I guess." He says. I completely forgot what we were talking about because I got distracted by my thoughts. "Want some food?" I ask out of know where. Oh my god I'm that stupid. That is completely off topic. I can't even think when I'm around him! "No. I think I'm gonna go." He says and stands up. "Ok." I say and nod. He walks out. He usually hugs me goodbye but I guess there's some weird stuff going on between us.


It's been a couple hours since I talked to Tom and yet I'm still thinking about him. My phone rings so I pick it up.

"Hello?" I say into the phone. "Hey!" Aaliyah says on the other end. "Hey Aaliyah! What's up?" I ask. I love talking to Aaliyah I feel like we understand each other so much. "So.. you know how school is ending soon?" She asks. "Yeah?" I say. I'm confused. "Wellll I've been thinking about what we're gonna do all summer so I got us plane tickets to New York!" She says excited. My jaw is on the floor. "Really?!" I say. I'm so excited! "Yeah! We leave in a week right after school!" She says and laughs. "Ok!" I say. "You better go pack bye!" She says and makes kiss sounds. "Bye!" I do the same and hang up.

After that I call my mom and ask if I can go. She said yes. Im so excited but I don't know how I'm gonna tell the band that I'm leaving for the summer. That's gonna be an emotional and hard conversation.


Im standing in front of the Kaulitz house. Where the bands at. Where I'm gonna tell them I'm leaving for the summer. I step closer and knock on big front door. The door opens. I see Bill.

"Hey." I say. "Hey! What's up?" He asks. "I need to tell you guys something." I say and walk into the house. "Alright come on." He leads the way to the living room.

Gustav, Georg, and Bill are sitting on the couch. While I'm sitting on a chair and Tom is sitting across the coffee table on the other chair.

"So I'm leaving." I say. "What? When?" Gustav asks. "In a couple of days after school ends" I explain. "Where?" Georg asks "I'm going to New York with Aaliyah for the summer." I add. "The whole summer?" Tom says. He seems surprised by the expression on his face. "Yup." I say and look at bill.

Bill hasn't said anything this whole time. "Bill? You good?" I ask worried. "No. No I'm not good. My best friend is leaving for 3 months. You could've told us earlier!" He seems mad. I don't why. "I just found out this morning!" I say depending myself. He's mad because I didn't tell him earlier. "Yeah ok." He says and stands up. "Your mad because I didn't tell you? I just found out not even 3 hours ago!" I stand up too. Then everyone else stands up. "We'll have fun with your new best friend." Bill says and leaves the room. "What the fuck! Your acting like we're in 3rd grade!" I yell at him. I look at the others. There just standing there.

"Are you guys mad at me?" I ask tears almost forming. I don't even have a reason to cry why the fuck am I crying! "No have fun." Gustav says. Then him and Georg walk out. I look at Tom. "I hope you have fun in New York. Im happy for you!" He says and smiles. "Thanks." I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

I walk out the door. I get into my car. I sit there not turning the engine on. I start to cry. Like really cry. Did I just lose my best friend over something stupid?! I turn the car on and drive back home.

Authors note. Sorry this chapter is all over the place. Can't wait to finish part one!!

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐘, ᵗᵒᵐ ᵏᵃᵘˡⁱᵗᶻ ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now