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Chapter 13
Tom Kaulitz

I see the stage light up. Four people walk onto stage on with long dark black hair. It's Aaliyah. What the fuck is going on. After she and Mads left for New York they never came back. Like not even for vacation or anything. They just disappear. I see another girl walk onto stage. Long red hair, dark brown eyes, and silver jewelry. It's Mads. She's changed her style and it looks like she has a nose ring now. Or at least I think I can't really see from the crowd.

Bill made us come to this concert cause he saw this new band on the news paper? I don't know. He just said he wanted to come so he dragged us here.

I see Carter walk on stage next. He looks different with darker clothes and darker hair. But his hair is still fluffy and curly. I see another person walk on stage that I don't recognize.

Mads goes up to the mic and says "hello everyone! I'm so glad you all could make it!" She backs away and looks at Carter. He starts to play the drums while Aaliyah plays the guitar and the other guy plays the bass.

Mads goes up to the mic again and starts to sing the song. Her voice sounds amazing. I never knew she could sing. She never told me and Carter never told me he could play the drums.


After the concert we decided to go backstage where they were signing autographs. We find we're there signing and walk up. I see Mads signing a paper so I go over.

Once she's done she looks up and sees me. I see the shock on her face. "Hey Mads." I say. "Hi." She says and goes to sign another fans paper. I follow her. "So what have you been up to?" I ask already knowing the answer obviously. She's been becoming famous and starting a band. "Nothing." She says. "Oh really?" I look at her but she's looking down at a paper. "Hi Mads!" The fan says excitedly. "Hi!" She says to the fan and smiles at them.

"Yeah really." She says talking to me again. "Don't look like it." I say and spin my finger around in a circle. "Why are you here?" Mads asks me. "Oh I'm just here to see a concert and maybe get a autograph." I slide her a paper and wink. She takes the paper and signs her name. "There. Now go away." She says and moves her hand telling me to leave. "Well don't you want my autograph? Cause I'm pretty famous you know." I say. "I know your famous. I've seen your concerts." She says and greets another fan.

"Yeah?" I say and grab a poster out. "Yeah." When she says it she makes eye contact with me. I sign the paper and put my new number on it. "Here you Angel." I say and slide the poster to her. I then wink and walk away.

Authors note. Didn't really know what to write for this chapter!

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