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Chapter 29
Madison Kurt

Today it snowed for the first time this year. So I'm making everyone go to the park and play in the snow.

We have to take two cars to get there. The first is Bill, Georg, Nick, and Carter. The second car is Tom, me, Aaliyah, and Gustav.

I wanted to drive but Tom said I couldn't because I'm pregnant but I'm not even that far along. I think he's just stressed.

We get to the park and there's snow everywhere.

Me and Aaliyah go on the swings while everyone else is building snowman's.

"Did Tom apologize to you?" Aaliyah asks me. "Yeah and he set up this cute little movie date." I say and smile.

I see her smirk. "You know that movie date was actually my idea." She says.

"Really?" I ask her surprised. I didn't know Tom went to Aaliyah for ideas. "Yeah he came over the other day asking me to help him to get you back." She explains.

I smile. "He really loves you Mads." She says. "You think?" I ask. "Yeah." She nods.

"Yo! Come have a snow ball fight with us!" Caret yells at me and Aaliyah. "Alright!" Aaliyah yells back and we run over to them.


After our snow ball fight we all decided to go get something to eat. It's some fancy restaurant.

It's really expensive here and I said we should go somewhere else but Tom insisted he would buy me food.

Everyone order a big pizza but I don't like pizza so I order a pasta I don't know what it's called cause it was some weird fancy name.

"Can I try some?" Tom asks me. "Yeah!" I say and give him some. One of the noodles falls out of his mouth because he took a big bite.

"Tom!" I laugh and grab him a napkin. I whip the sauce off of his chin and he looks at me.

"There you go all clean!" I laugh at Tom. "Thank you." He says and kisses my cheek.

"Ok that's enough you two!" Carter yells at us on the other end of the table. I flip him off.

"Shut up dad!" I say sarcastically. Everyone laughs.

I've missed this so much. I've missed when I would hang out with Tom, Bill, Georg, and Gustav. I'm mad at myself that I just left them for all those years and never visited.

But I'm glad that I have them again now.

Authors note. Two chapters in one day?? 🤭

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