Comfort ( pt.1)

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                                                        ❗️Warning:fat shaming❗️
[I recommend listening to prom queen by beach bunny while reading this ;)]
I was at my parents house today
It was a family gathering
and my mom invited me to come over
She called me
so i asked simon if he could drop me off there
And he agreed
So I decided to go
*at your parents house*
I was standing near the couch
as i watched my mom and aunts chat together including my grandma
i was taught not to join since i was little
because it was grown up stuff
And my dad with his brothers and my grandpa
i zoned out for a moment until i heard one of my cousins loud laugh
I looked at her as she was laughing and she looked so pretty
I unknowingly smiled seeing her joy
she was talking with all my other cousins
they all got along
But i didn't really fit in with them
Even though i really try
Maybe i should try harder ... but i don't really know
When i try to talk to them about something
they all just give each other side eyes at every word i speak and nod their head slowly
clearly very uninterested in what i had to say
i get embarrassed at that point
but i continue my story until one of them interrupts and starts talking about their perfect life
my whole family was beautiful
From my grandparents
to the youngest in the family
Except for me
i was never as pretty as them
People couldn't even tell i was their daughter
That happens way to much
Unlike my cousins
Each one was beautiful in their own way
They all had beautiful eyes
With perfect barbie bodys
each one of them won for prom queen in their schools
except me
I was never cut out for prom queen
I was never noticed in my school
and to make it all even worse
I was a little bit on the fat side
of course i had to be
I only had a little faith in my face but that still did nothing
My body doesn't give me the motivation to even take care of the way my face looks
it's like
My body is already horrible,nothing will really change that so theres no point in even trying to look good.
oh god
That's enough thinking i don't wanna ruin my mood
after zoning out once again
i heard what my mom was saying
"All our girls our so pretty , they are all so beautiful, petite,feminine and lovely...well..
Almost all of them" she said and turned to look at me while saying the last part and turned back around again
as they faced eachother they all started laughing very loudly
i didn't know what to do
I let out a small "laugh" that sounded more like a scoff and i smiled
Pretending it didn't absolutely crush my guts
"Alright , but seriously y/n you need to loose some weight , like i actually was quite surprised when i found out you had a boy friend , but its good you found someone i thought you would've never" one of my aunts said after she was done laughing at me
I just nodded my head and bit my lip a little from inside my mouth as that really hurt me
what does she mean she thought i would've never? Am i not loveable?
"Thats true darling, you know men they like to see their partner looking pretty , they want them to dress up put some makeup on and their body is even more important you really need to start working on that otherwise you'll end up single in not a long time" my mom added as she turned to look at me
Simon said he loved me the way i am
maybe its not true...
what my mom said was true all boyfriends want to see their girlfriend dressed up and pretty for them , it doesn't have to be different for Simon i'd understand if he didn't like me
"yes mom" i said in a cracked voice while holding my tears with every thing i had in my body
I felt like my inside organs were all just smashing against eachother
I was very hurt
"my daughter could give you some tips on how to start a diet" another aunt said
shut up
she said that as she turned to her daughter one of my cousins
Of course it had to be mina
The one that clearly hated me the most
"Sorry mom i don't really wanna waste any of my time , she could start a diet herself and you know..stay on track to loose weight" she said while looking me up and down
I feel so ashamed
I just nodded
"Hey guys is dinner ready? We are getting hungry" my dad said from the other side of the room
"Oh yes dear , we will go set the table now" my mom said and she got up with my aunts to get the food ready
I got my bag and followed them to help and so did my girl cousins because thats what's expected for a girl in my (your ethnicity) family
*30 minutes later*
Were done setting the table and getting the food ready
One of my aunts went to call the men for all of us to eat
i went to the bathroom to wash my hands and also it was a little awkward as i was standing alone
i spent around like 5 minutes in the bathroom because i waited for everyone to be seated
I didn't want to sit before everyone else and embarrass myself
but what would be more embarrassing if i just had to stand there and a seat was missing
I hoped for the best as I walked out the bathroom
I went and took a peek into the dining room and saw everyone was seated and everyone was chatting
and luckily there was an empty seat for me
next to mina
i loved the view as my family all looked so happy
everyone is smiling and enjoying themselves
i walked into the dinning room
And sat in the empty chair next to mina
everyone was busy chatting so they didn't really notice me and thats a good thing
a few minutes later we all began to eat
i wasn't talking to anyone
It was hard to enjoy my food while Re-thinking everything my family said about me
It was so hard swallowing the tiny bite of food i took to make it look like i was eating so they wouldn't say im looking for attention by not eating
I kept thinking until i heard someone call my name
"Y/n!" My dad called me
"Oh yes dad?" I said as i turned to him
"Your uncle is talking to you" he said as he pointed at him with his eyes
I turned and saw all my uncles looking at me
"Sorry, what?" I said to the uncle my dad pointed at
"I said your getting huge! You should really loose some weight , it's not healthy!" He said
"oh.. uh yeah.." i said as i looked down at my lap
"What do you mean yeah?! Your probably heavier than everyone in here!" He said
I just kept looking at my lap as i didn't know what to say
"Y/n your uncle is talking to you!" My dad yelled at me
at this point the whole room was silent and was staring at me while I pathetically tried to hold in my tears for as long as i can
"Im sorry" i said to my dad
Suddenly one of my others uncles laughed a little
"Look how big she looks next to mina" he said that and started laughing
that really effected me
"Seriously should you really be eating all that?" My mom said while looking at me
i looked up at her
"I- uh-" was all that came out my mouth
My tears finally fell
Mina looked at me and scoffed
"They aren't saying anything to you i don't get why your crying they are only giving you advice" mina said
"Im-im not crying" i said and wiped the tears away from my face
"You should really be more like your cousin mina physically and emotionally" my dad said as he patted mina on her head
I hope that was enough to feed that attention seeking *****
"Really y/n I thought you could handle a joke" the uncle that started all this said
Really? He literally said
"What do you mean yeah?"
when i said yes to him
my tears wouldn't stop flowing after that
I pushed my chair back and left to the bathroom
I got into the bathroom and cried hard while putting my arm on my mouth
I looked into the mirror and saw my face that was a mess
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Why aren't i pretty?
Little do they know i've been starving myself for 3 days
It's very hard to do that with Simon around though
I sat down on the bathroom floor
i felt horrible and kept on crying
*after 30 minutes of crying*
I decied to call Simon so he could come pick me up
I don't think i can face my family again no
I got up and looked in the mirror
My eyes, nose, forehead were all so red
And my eyes are a little puffy
I waited a bit to calm down and placed my hands holding onto the sink as i felt dizzy from crying and my head started ringing
After 10 minutes i calmed down a bit the ringing went away after around 5 minutes but I was still a little dizzy
Thankfully my bag was with me so i got out my phone and called for My boyfriend to come pick me up
He picked up the second time
"Sorry y/n my phone was downstairs" he said through the phone
"It's alright sweetie" i said
"Is everything ok? Your voice is a little cracky" he said
What the fuck? How did he notice
I swear i talked in my normal voice
"Yea everythings fine but could you come pick me up please?" I said
"Already? It's only been two hours? Are you sure everything's ok?" He said
"Yes! please come pick me up Simon" i said yelling a bit
"Alright ill be there sweetheart" he said
I swear he almost healed me with that nickname
I smiled a little at it
"Ok thanks see you" i said
"Welcome , bye" he said and cut the call
I'll wait now
after 20 minutes i was getting worried
My family is probably done with their dinner
I just hoped they aren't done
as i zoned out
I played every moment back in my mind
And started crying again
I was really hurt
I tried to stop crying
But my tears wouldn't stop
I heard a buzz
I looked at my phone and it was Simon
I picked it up
"Im at the door" he said
"ok" i said and cut the call
I gave him a short answer because of my crying my voice is shaky and i really didn't want to tell him about it it's way to embarrassing
I washed my face
and walked out
And as i did i heard their voices laughing loudly
How could they?
After they said all those harsh things to me?
How could they genuinely enjoy themselves?
I began to tear up again
I rubbed my eyes to stop the tears
I opened the front door and left closing it behind me

Ghosts pov:
I was upstairs working out when i heard my phone ring
It was down stairs so I stopped what i was doing and went down to check who it is
mid way the phone stopped ringing
but as i got close to it it rang again and it was y/n
weird why would she be calling me?
I picked it up
"Sorry y/n my phone was downstairs" i said to her
"It's alright sweetie" she said
I was excited to hear her voice until i heard it
I could tell it was cracky and she was shaky
What the fuck is going on? I thought
"Is everything ok? Your voice is a little cracky" i said
She stopped for a second
"Yea everythings fine , but could you come pick me up please?" She said
"Already?it only been two hours? Are you sure everything's ok?" I said
im starting to get worried
Maybe someone broke into their house
oh god..
I realized where y/n was it was very quiet
And she was at a family gathering and her family is definitely not quiet
"Yes! Please come pick me up Simon" she started yelling abit
Since she started yelling thats good that doesn't mean someone is in there house
But still something was wrong
She's probably sad
I bet it was one of her bitchy cousins
She told me she had a lot and how she tried to be friends with them
Or her parents
Her parents aren't good either
"Alright i'll be there sweetheart" i said
I bit my finger from the cringe
I just said that to make her feel better incase shes feeling bad
"Ok thanks see you" she said
"Welcome, bye" i said and hung up
Im at the house now infront of it
I got out my phone and called her
She picked up
"Im at the door" i said
"ok" she said and cut the call
Someone definitely hurt her feelings
she knew short answers were rude and she wouldn't want to be rude
I stared at the front door of the house waiting for her to come out
After a few minutes i saw her she opened the door and closed it behind her
She saw my car and walked towards it with her head staring at her feet
she got in the car and i saw her face from the side
she didn't say anything and waited for me to drive
I took her face in my hand and turned her face to face me
her eyes,nose,forehead were all red
And her eyes were full of tears and they were puffy

To be continued!
thank you for reading this!
I hope you enjoyed
and im sorry to all the skinny girlies but i wanted to do something like this
Anyways thats all
bye bye for now!❤️🌸🫶🏻

Simon 'Ghost' Riley x female reader OneShots Where stories live. Discover now