Break in (Part 2 / bonus)

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                                                                                10:00 PM
                                                                            Your pov:
i was getting ready for bed
I was in my bathroom brushing my teeth while thinking of what to do that'll make me fall asleep
Suddenly simon came into my mind as i thought of reading the book that i never finished because of him
he came here about 2 or 3 weeks ago
he said he'll be coming back but he didn't
i didn't care... at least not alot
I was a little worried the police maybe found him
To be honest i kinda missed him even though i've only seen him once
But I enjoyed his presence
it was nice not to be so lonely and he was pretty comfortable to me
Despite him being a criminal
i felt safe around him and i liked having him in my home
I hope he'll visit soon
I finished brushing my teeth and rinsed my mouth
i took a towel that i hanged close to the sink and patted it against my wet chin and mouth
i put the towel back , closed the lights and left the bathroom closing the door behind me
I went to my bed room and went to my bed
i got the book i planned on reading and turned on the lamp on my night stand and climbed my bed
I pulled the sheets from beneath me and put it above me
i opened the book i went through all the pages trying to remember where i was
A few seconds later i finally found where i left off last time and began to read

*20 minutes later*
After reading i got a bit thirsty
So i decided to go downstairs and drink some water
i got up and got out my room , heading to the stairs
I got down the stairs and went into my kitchen
It was dark and I couldn't see anything in there so I clicked the light switch to turn the light on

"AHHHHHHHHH-" i screamed as i saw the large masked man on my sitting on my kitchen floor leaning against the counter behind him while holding his left forearm that was dripping blood , staining the black button up shirt
he looked hurt i could tell by his eyes that i could see this time
i wasn't scared of him
i wasn't expecting to see him , so i flinched
the blood scared me even more
This time his mask was different , last time it was just a balaclava with a skull print on it
this time , it was a black balaclava and on top of it was a i think plastic skull mask and i got to see his big round eyes i couldn't tell the exact colour of them though and his black button up shirt just tied everything together he looked very handsome
Nows not the time to be mesmerised
"shhh shut up." He said annoyed
I don't think he needed my yell while going through whatever happened to him
" oh god , are you okay?! , should i call an ambulance?!!" I said
"No no no i don't need any of that" he said while groaning slightly
He was hurt
I crouched to his level
"Are you sure?! , your hurt!! It's dripping so much blood!" I said panicked
"Do you have any medical supplies?" He asked , barely speaking from the pain
"uhm- yes i think i do i'll be back in a moment" i said remembering the aid kit i had in my downstairs bathroom
I went to the bathroom and got the aid kit
I came back with the kit and saw his eyes were closed , he was unconscious
What do i do?
Should i call an ambulance?
He said no though , he may get caught by the police
if they weren't the ones that did this to him
i was getting worried he was losing to much blood
i sat down and placed the aid kit on the floor i moved a little close to him looking over at his forearm that he had his hand on
I picked up his hand gently to see what was under it , even though i didn't really want to see what was going on there
I placed his hand aside and all i could see was blood through his shirt i moved it a-little and as I expected he was shot i could tell it was a large bullet by the huge whole in the poor mans arm
The sight was terrible
His ripped skin painted in blood with the huge deep whole while the bullet pierced through him ripping and stretching his skin apart
My stomach twisted as i saw it
I have never seen something like this at all
I haven't seen any movies to be prepared for this sight
I almost vomited as i began to cry from the sight
It was scary and i didn't know what to do
This man was about to die right infront of me and im so dumb i don't even know what to do
I would never be able to live with myself knowing I could've help him and saved him from dying
The gulit would eat me
Especially after seeing his wound and traumatising myself
I couldn't imagine the pain he was through right now , the pain and the hopeless feeling of still having a chance at life with a dumbass next to you just crying and not knowing what to do
But I genuinely didn't know what to do
I knew crying wasn't gonna doing anything and that i had to act quick and if he died i could at least say i tried but i have to try hard
i sat him up a little still leaning against the counter
I unbuttoned his shirt and tried to take the sleeve off his injured arm
The shirt was a little tight so it was kinda hard to his arm out
i had to get smart now , i have already wasted so much time
I got up and opened a drawer and took out some scissors
I got them and quickly went back down i went back to his arm and cut the whole sleeve off from the top
I looked at the wound again
I got nauseous but I managed through it
I grabbed the aid kit and opened it
There wasn't anything you could use in this situation
I grunted angrily as i got once again while i took a tour around the whole house
I finally found some stuff i could use
Tweezers, cloth, flashlight, bandages,water,paper towels, sanitiser and some gloves
I put the gloves on and grabbed  a paper towel
I carefully wiped and cleaned the area while trying to hold my self from vomiting and having a break down
The paper towels pilled up next to me as I continued cleaning
I was using the ointments to try my best to disinfect it
My stomach twisted and turned and went everywhere as something caught my eye
I saw the shiny glistening bullet in there
The bullet was huge
I wondered what kind of weapon was this
I quickly grabbed my tweezers and tried to sanitise them as best as i could
My hands were shaking uncontrollably
I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down
thinking what the worst that could happen
He's probably already dead
I though that
And to make sure i placed my hand over his chest to feel his heart
i felt lightly thumping indicating he was still alive
I felt a little better at that moment
And i went back to what i was doing
i hope he couldn't feel my playing around inside his arm
I shuddered as imagined someone doing that to me while i was dying
I can't think like that right now!
Come on brace yourself for god's sake!
I cut off my thinking and dug into his arm
It was deep
that made me a little more scared
I began to sweat uncontrollably as i finally got a tight hold in the bullet
i prayed and prayed that the bullet wasn't broken or anything
i slowly began to pull the bullet and my hands started shaking
And thankfully i got the bullet out
I threw it with the tweezers on the pile of paper towels
And took a deep sigh of relief
as i relaxed a bit i looked up at him and his eyes were still closed
"Simon? you up?" I asked as i leaned a little more to his face
No response
i placed my hand on his chest once again to make sure he was alive and he was i felt eased even more
I had to wrap his wound now
That should be easy
I grabbed some more paper towels and once again began to clean it
*10 minutes later*
I was done
Simon was laying on the floor at this point
So I laid back on the floor upside down from him
as i stared at the ceiling
gosh my back is killing me
I looked back up and saw simon still there unconscious
jeez when was he gonna wake up
I looked at his wrapped up wound
The bullet was in his forearm
I don't know how the gauze or bandages got all the way up this shoulder
But i was tired and i did good enough
i should become a surgeon
I thought proud of myself like i wasn't a crying mess because i saw a bit of blood
Suddenly i felt a kick
I sat up and saw simon
He was finally awake
he looked around as he dragged himself up
he grunted and groaned from the pressure and weight to his wounded arm
I guess he forgot about it
He blinked a few times as his eyes focused on me
"Are you alright?" I asked him
He looked at his arm
"Yeah..did you do this?" He asked
"Yea.." i said slightly embarrassed as he looked at his shoulder
He looked at the mess next to him
"Good job , did you take the bullet out?" he said
"Yup" i said
"Hmm thanks , and sorry you had to see that" he said
"It okay" i said and smiled slightly
"What happened to my shirt?" He said as we both noticed his exposed chest
"oh- uhm- i had to take it off to... you know do the work" i said
That sounded so stupid
"Then why's my sleeve cut off?" He asked
"Well I couldn't get your arm out so..i got the scissors and cut it off ...sorry" i said
"It's alright peach , i was just curious" he said
I smiled at the nickname again
"Did you miss me?" He asked
"Not really.." i said
"Owh?! Really??" He said
And i nodded my head
"Well i missed you.. " he said and grabbed my leg with his other arm that wasn't wounded, pulling me towards him
"Give me back my leg" i said
"I don't think I want to" he said as he placed my leg on his lap and began to gently/lovingly
Stroke my leg with his unwounded arm
Not going up too far
Right beneath my knee
I had to admit i loved the way he was stroking me
It felt very nice and comforting
I smiled a little at his touch
"So beautiful" he said and looked up at me
this time , he grabbed my arm and pulled me
Placing me beside him
His injured arm was behind me so i was careful
Slowly he wrapped his injured arm around my waist
I made sure not to lean on it
"You need to rest" i said
"I am resting" he said
"No your not" i said
"I am" he said
i looked beside us and saw the mess that was there
"Let me clean this up" i said and carefully moved his arm away as i got up
"I'd help you but i don't feel like it" he said
I rolled my eyes and began to clean

Simon 'Ghost' Riley x female reader OneShots Where stories live. Discover now