Prologue: A hero leaves

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June 24th, 1995

Hogwarts, Scotland

Harry POV

Harry was running in the maze, trying to end this nightmare of a year. He stop to take a breath and look at the sigil of House Potter on his shoulder. He didn't have the crest of Hogwarts, as Harry wasn't a student of this hellhole anymore. Not since the students of Hogwarts bullied him, humillated him and hex him all year while the teachers did nothing. Even two of them joining in the humiliation and bullying. He wasn't going to forgive them. He wasn't Albus too many bloody names Dumbledore and he was one man he absolutely hates. He didn't do anything while he was beaten bloody by those fucking lions and Puffs or been humillated by that pet Death Eater of his. He was abandoned by his supposed best friends. One was a jealous git and the other a blind rule follower know it all. He was kick out of Gryffindor tower and nobody help him. Not a single teacher. Dumbledore just say forgive them Harry, everything will be fine. So, he left Hogwarts and represent his own house, with Remus Lupin been his judge. After this, he was going to Ilvermorny. 

"Stupid old coot" Harry mumbled at the reminder of the memory. He look around and saw the stupid maze. He didn't want to win. He didn't fucking care about this stupid tournament. So Harry was taking the longer route and was taking his sweet time. He help Cedric when he was been tortured by Krum but he didn't show himself. He didn't give a damn and as he continue walking and defending himself from the nasty creatures in a boring manner and didn't care what happened around him, it was when something happened. The maze started to open a door to the outside and didn't caring about where it leads, he entered and realized he was outside were everyone was looking at him, confused. But he had one thought. Cedric must have won by grabbing the cup.

"Where is the winner?" Ask someone "It's not cheating Potter". Harry showed them the finger in response.

"Why would that loser win?" said another. Harry just ignore everyone this time and went to the exist and just as he arrived at the door, he heard multiple screams. He turn around and saw Peter Pettigrew and Cedric Digory, who Harry realized was dead, as his throat was open and Pettiigrew had a bloody knife on his hand. The murderous rat look at him in anger. Harry also noticed that he had a silver hand. Wonder how thar happened

"Potter!!!" Pettigrew scream in anger "stupify!!!"

"Protego" said Harry in bored tone. The shield was formed and the spell was stopped "experiarmus!!!". The red spell come out of Harry's wand and hit Pettigrew, sending him flying to a wall, knocking him out "looks like your Azkaban is not so secure, isn't Fudge?". The minister blush in embarrassment. Harry's godfather was the first and looks like somehow Peter Petergrew escape as well

"You are correct, mr Potter" said Amelia Bones "we will see about increasing security"

"You are just like your father, Potter" Sneered Snape

"Shut up, Death Eater" said Harry in anger "my father died trying to save my mother and I. He grow up, at difference of you, who bullies children". Harry then turn around and it old goat decided to speak then

"Harry that wasn't necessary" said Dumbledore "you will serve detention"

"You aren't my headmaster anymore, Dumbledore" said Harry, making the old man eyes widened. The old goat had forgotten that apparently "I am not a Hogwarts student since you force me to compete in this tournament of hell and let's not forget you did nothing while I was been bullied. Your pet has bullied me since I arrive in this death trap you call a school. Madam Bones, I, Harry James Potter, heir to the most ancient and Noble House of Potter, cut off any alliances with all families that were once allied with House Potter, if you ask why, ask your niece and the other heirs. House Potter from this moment on, leaves Magical England and the ministry of Magic and now becames part of Magical USA and MACUSA (Magical Congress of the United States of America). I am leaving and you cannot stop it, Dumbledore. #4 Privet Drive is no longer my home and I am no longer your poster boy, find someone else. The only person of house Greengrass I will be friendly with is Astoria Greengrass, who is my girlfriend and betrothed. Auror Johnson, can we go?"

"Of course mister Potter" said the auror he contact when his life was becoming more hell and before someone could say anything, he activated the porkey and he was gone

Normal POV

Hell. That's the only thing that she could describe what happened after the outburst of Harry Potter. Breaking alliances was very serious and very bad. What the hell did Susan do?. Amelia Bones look at her niece in anger

"SUSAN!!!!!" screamed Amelia in anger. The girl make a squeak sound and was trying to hide behind Hannah Abbot, who was also trying to hide. Not only them but also Daphne Greengrass, Tracy Davis and Neville Longbotton were trying to hide from Amelia's fury. In that moment, Cyrus Greengrass, Madam Augusta Longbotton, John Davis and Gabriel Habbot appeared throw the doors of the school.

"What's going on?" Ask Cyrus Greengrass "why did we were kick out of the businesses with house Potter, Daphne?  What did you do?". Daphne Greengrass made a squeaky sound and try to hide "Tori?"

"Ask my idiot sister" said Astoria "Harry said I was the only one on friendly terms because I was his girlfriend". Cyrus Greengrass look at her eldest in fury "father, if is okay I want to transfer to the same school as Harry"

"Very well" said Cyrus Greengrass "Daphne will also transfer, as I can't leave her here. Daphne didn't look happy but she didn't say anything, so she will not anger her father anymore and hide behind Tracy.

"Neville!!!!" Screech Augusta Longbottom in pure anger "what did you do!". Neville squeak and became more fearful and try to hide behind Hannah, who was trying to hide behind Daphne who was trying to hide behind Tracy, who had the full anger of all the adults directed at her

"You should be grateful that spoiled brat left!" Screamed Snape "he was arrogant, just like...." Suddenly, all the heirs and many others send multiple spells at the former Death Eater, who couldn't react on time and was hit, sending him flying towards Peter Petergrew and landed on top of him. His face was inflated, purple and his body was fat.


"Ms Greengrass!" Said Dumbledore "you cannot attack a teacher!!!"

"Shut up!!!!" Said Neville "I should have defend him but I was to much of a coward and your pet didn't help when he blackmail us!!!!"

"HE DID WHAT!!!!" screamed McGonagall in pure anger as took out her wand and point it at the dungeon bat

"He told us that if we help Harry we will lose our year and he will turn a blind eye if his Ferret godson attack us, as if he didn't do that already!" Said Susan "I regret not helping him and I am not worthy of been Hufflepuff!". Susan started to cry as Hannah hug her

"Auror Tonks, get this Death Eaters out of my sight" said Amelia "and bring me verosiratum, we have a supposed dead man to interrogate". Out of instinct, she created a wall and a green light crashed into it and multiple stunners were send to the attacker, that was revealed to be Alastor Moody "what the hell, Alastor!!!". But her eyes widened to horror when he changed and in his place was someone who was supposed to be dead. Barty Crouch jr and that caused a total panic. First they lost House Potter and now this????. What's next???

"The Dark lord will kill you all now that he is back!!!" scream Petigrew with a crazy look on his eyes. Not matter where Potter hide, the dark lord will find him and kill him!!!"

"This is getting better and better" mumbled Amelia, she send a stunner to the crazy man.

AN: This Harry here is very smart and he doesn't like Dumbledore. The other three years will be writing in the next chapters to explain how everything happened for Harry to be with Astoria and other things I will not say now.

AN2: I haven't published a story in months or updated one in months and I guess reason is that I lost inspiration since my grandfather passed away in 2021. So I don't know how well I did in this one, so if you find a grammar error, please let me know. And I warn some of my old stories, specially my first ones, I will be unpublish them, because they have some many grammar mistakes and other errors, that is embarrassing, so sorry for those people that like them

AN3: I have to apologize to my readers, I just find out that I made mistake and so I will changed here but I will explain it later how he escape

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