Finding a new side

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Kakashi's point of view

I sighed as I walked around the village. 'It has been two years since Minato died. Two years since the nine tails attack. Two years since I lost the last of those I really cared about. Well almost ....' I thought as a familiar chakra signature ran towards me.

No one's point of view

A group of ninja sadly watched after the white haired nin as he walked past them not even seeming to notice them.

"Poor Kakashi he seems so down..." The red eyed one murmured.

"He seems to have lost his way since Minato died." One said while smoking a cigarette which was normal behavior for him.

"He barely talks anymore ... Anko give back my dong-go's!" The man with a black bandana yelled at the purple haired konoiche.

"I shall challenge him to another trial of wills!" The oddest of the group, a man in green spandex said.

Just as he was about to stand to say something to the white haired nin the nin snapped the book in his hands stuffing it in his pouch.

"You can come out hime I know your there..." The group stared confused and shocked as a small girl with shaggy red hair ran up to their comrade throwing herself into the white haired boys open arms. What surprised them more was what she called him next.

"Nii-san Gemma's being mean!"

"1 what did you just call Kaka-Baka? 2 it's Genma not Gemma! 3 I am not mean!" A brown haired man chewing on a senborn yelled as he ran towards the twosome.

The girl with red hair stuck her tongue out at the him as the white haired nin placed her on his shoulders. He sighed and gave a look at the senborn chewing man. "She called me Nii-san dobe and don't call me Kaka-Baka!"

"Then don't call me dobe! And why did the brat just call you Nii-san should have been my question."

"Meanie.." The girl mumbled from the masked white haired boys shoulder.

"Don't call hime a brat! And she called me Nii-san because I'm here older brother dobe!" The masked boy yelled.

At that proclamation both the onlooking group, the senborn chewing guy, and a few ABU nearby stared at the boy dumbfounded. None had knew he had any family much less a sister left. The girl didn't look much like a Hakate. Her eyes and her red hair just didn't fit the bill. But then agin the copy ninja himself is proclaiming her as his sister. So who exactly was this kid. And why did he keep calling her hime (princess)?

Gai's POV

It took a minute for what Kakashi said to register in my brain. 'Older brother? So Kakashi is an older brother huh. But his dad died years ago. And his mom died even before that. This girl can't be more than three probably closer to two. So how are they brother and sister?' I thought.

Ibiki voiced my thoughts asking "But this kid is two maybe three. How is she your sister?" Kakashi sighed "I adopted her dobe." I could see the sadness in his eyes "I found her on a mission ok. Her clan got slaughtered. She was about to be killed and I saved her and brought her back to the Leaf. I adopted her after that.... Reachi these are my friends. Guys this is Reachi Autski Hakate." The little girl waved from his shoulder.

"It's wonderful to meet you youthful child!" I said as the group of us Anko, Ibiki, Asuma, Kurenia, now Genma, and I walked up to face the two. The girl jumped off of my rival's shoulder so she could hide behind his leg. 'She is so young yet so agile and quick. Then agin her older brother is Kakashi I wouldn't be surprised if she was already receiving training.'

Kurenia bent down so she was at eye level with the girl. "Come on out, I'm Kurenia nice to meet you." she said opening her arms for a hug. The little girl looked up at her brother with a look that could melt any heart. He gave her a closed eye smile. "Go ahead hime."

She ran into Kurenia's arms and giggled.

When they broke apart she smiled at us and even Ibiki smiled back. She grabed Kakashi's hand."Nii-San we need to go I'm hunggggeeeerrryyy!" She started dragging Kakashi down the street. All of those watching couldn't help but laugh at the sight.'A two year old pulling my eternal rival down the street. They look ridiculous!'

'This was a new side of Kakashi.'


And that's how it all began. That's where the story started to change. That's where the new story started. That's where this story begins.

Hope you enjoyed the story 'cause this is just the beginning.

At this point Kakashi is 16 really close to 17. Gai and the others are close to 20-21. Reachi, Sasuke, Naruto, and the others are 2-3. And Itachi is 9 Turing 10. The next chapter will be when Reachi meets Itachi.


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