Meeting Foxy

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Dedicated to LoverOfBloodyStories
2 weeks later

Naruto's POV

'Sasuke-teme hasn't shown up at the academy for WEEK'S! I mean it's nice not having to deal with him for awhile but everyone in the class is kinda worried 'bout him.' I thought as I looked at my classmates.

I elbowed Kiba lightly to get his attention...

" What is it Naruto?"

" We should go to Sasuke-teme's house and see why he hasn't been showing up anymore.."

" Huh that's actually a good idea Naruto... We should get Shikamaru, Choji, and Shino to come to."

" Do you really think they'll come?" I ask annoyed

" Your right... We'll go after school today.... Ok Naruto?"

" Yeah Kiba after school today."


" Come on Naruto lets Go!" Kiba yelled back to me.

" Alright Kiba lets go! Believe it!"

We ran to Sasuke's house only to see crime scene tape covering the door and ABU everywhere.

" What happened?" I asked Kiba

" No clue Naruto... But whatever it was it's bad.." Akamaru whinnied from inside Kiba's jacket. ".. I know buddy I can smell it to."

" Smell what?" I asked.

"Blood and lots of it... This is bad.."

"What are you kids doing here?" one of the ABU asked

"We're looking for Sasuke Uchiha." I said bravely. The ABU scratched his neck thinking.

"He should be at his new house by now... Here's the address." He said handing me a piece of paper. We ran to the address and Kiba knocked on the door. A girl with chin length red hair answered the door. She had empty purple blue eyes.

"Yes?" she asked.

Kiba spoke up. "We're looking for Sasuke Uchiha." her mouth formed an O shape.

"I'll get him, come on in... I guess..." She opened the door fully and we sat down on the couch in the living room while she walked up a flight of stairs.

"Do you got any idea who that girl is?" Kiba asked I just shrugged. 'Whoever she is she knows Sasuke-teme so that's good enough for me..' we heard a thump from up stairs and we saw Sasuke walk down the stairs the red haired girl on his heels.

"What are you guys doing here?...." he asked groggily rubbing his eyes. He was wearing sweat pants but no shirt and I could tell Kiba was as surprised as I was that this girls face wasn't as red as her hair and she wasn't fawning over him like the girls in the academy always do.

"You haven't been coming to the Academy for weeks we came to see if you were"

"I've been excused till Monday... I'm fine..." the girl slapped the back of his head.

"You are not fine Sasuke!" she whispered harshly. "Don't say you are! If you are fine after what happened I'm going to send you to a psychiatrist!"

The girl sent him a pointed glare like the one he usually gives me but worse. It sent shivers down my spine and Akamaru barked from Kiba's jacket.

"Who are you exactly?..."I said.

Sasuke sighed "She's my sister Naruto... Reachi this is Naruto and Kiba, guys this is Reachi." He said still sounding groggy 'Well that explains why she wasn't fawning over him...' She gave a light smile but the dark rings around her eyes made it look like she hadn't gotten sleep in weeks.

"Nice to meet 'cha. I'm Kiba and this is Akamaru." Kiba gave a smile while Akamaru barked.

"I'm Naruto the next Hokage! Believe It!" I gave her my usual smile and thumbs up. She gave another light smile.

"I'm Reachi..... can I pet Akamaru?" Kiba gave a wide smile and pulled Akamaru out of his jacket. "Sure you can!" she pet his head and Akamaru liked her hand. She giggled and Sasuke gave a genuine smile. Not a smirk a smile.


And that's how Reachi met Naruto Kiba and Akamaru. The next chapter will be about Ino and Sakura spying on Sasuke and Reachi. It will be funny.


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