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Working in the daycare was certainly like no other job you had ever had. For one you can't recall any other job where on your first day you were greeted by a giant hug that swept you off your feet and up into the arms of an 8ft tall animatronic.

"Oh, golly gosh am I so happy to see you again, friend! I was so excited when they said we were getting an intern, but I had no idea it was you. Now we get to see each other and play everyday!" Sun cheered enthusiastically.

"Umm...Sun buddy, I'm really sorry but I'm not a super huge fan of surprise hugs." You manage to say, fighting the compulsion to push it down.

It's just a hug, why do you have to be so fucking weird about it?

"Mr. Sun forgot to ask permission!" one of the kids gasped, followed by a choir of "oooos"

"Oh no. I guess-I guess I really did, didn't I?" He said aghast, his long arms shooting up to frame his face in the perfect picture of clownish horror. "I'm so so sorry, friend! Could you ever forgive me!?"

You can't help the giggle that that draws out of you. "Of course, you didn't know, that's why I mentioned it. Just for the future. Are good morning hugs, just how we do things here, boss?" You asked, changing the topic.

"Well some people do like a good hug, or a high five, first bumps are popular with some of the older kids. Some people don't like being touched at all, and that is..." he hedged looking at the kids.

"That's okay, too." A choir of kids parroted.

"Very good!" Sun cheered, clapping. "Now, let's go play!"

You mainly followed Sun or the human attendant around. On your first day it was a woman named Lily and she at least seemed to want to help Sun. They didn't really give you any instruction, so you mainly just shadowed them and played whatever they asked you to. When it was time to settle down for nap time you were shocked to find that Sun and Moon, the starkly different AIs we're in fact, the same machine.

You waved at the moon as he began going around and settling the children in before leaving to grab your own lunch and maybe do some reading for your classes. To your surprise Lily sat down with you for lunch.

"You know they can sense fear right?" She asked, making you balk.

"Wha-? T-the animatronic?" You asked.

"No. The kids." She replied, laughing boisterously. "Seriously though, they can tell that you're not comfortable around them, and the spindly ball of sunshine is probably trying to think of a way to fix it. So there's your warning."

"Oh...I, umm I didn't think I was doing too bad." You mutter nervously.


"Oh I didn't say that. You're doing a great job. Better than some full time employees. You're just obviously nervous around the kids. They're not made of glass, you don't need to cringe so hard everytime one of them does a dive into the ball pit or falls on the play floor."

Not made of glass, but still so breaka-

"I...I'll keep that in mind." You reply, forcing the constant vitriol of dark thoughts that seemed to spawn from somewhere inside you to quiet. It took a bit of effort to force your thoughts in a different direction, but you could do it sometimes. "So what do we do after Naptime?"

"Depends. Sun has a schedule in his head, but we usually have a defined activity like a puppet show or something going on. For kids who don't feel like doing the main activity there is a general playtime, the coloring tables are also always available. So me and you will probably watch the other kids while Sun handles the main activity."

The ABCs of Managing your Daycare attendant. (Sun/MoonXReader)Where stories live. Discover now