Yearly Maintenance

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Sun kicked his legs out straining against the staff bots dragging him to parts and services.

"N-n-nonono!" He begged, he thrashed, but they still pulled him down the hall. How many times had they done this? When did it even start?

"Stop! J-j-just wait!"

It was little things at first, the internship program went away with you of course, but then there was so much more. First Lily stopped working in the daycare and was replaced with a security guard. Then they were forbidden from going behind the security desk, they had it encoded into them that they couldn't go behind the desk after Sun tried to stop them from turning the lights out. It was a bad time though; Moon wasn't feeling right, they just didn't understand.

Should have ripped his arm off.

"Stop!" Sun tried again, not sure who he was talking to anymore. Moon didn't even seem like Moon anymore. Without you around to keep the virus under control it bloomed past your firewall like it wasn't even there, code twirling out like tangling weeds, smothering what he knew to be his brother.

Nap time was the next thing to go. Sun couldn't...he couldn't even be mad about that one, it was what was best. Moon's eyes were white, so they thought that it would be fine. Then Moon got a checkout request, and that was all that they remembered. The child was never found, but they found the checkout request and realized it was from the virus. So they took away naptime.

Every time they went to parts and services the virus seemed to get worse, so they stopped going willingly. So now Staff bots had to come and get Sun and drag him down to parts and services, kicking and screaming. They couldn't tangle with Moon. Moon shreds through the Staff bots like their tissue paper, it has to be Sun. So they drug him down to parts and services with him kicking and screaming.

He was strapped to the chair and forced to shut down, electrical jolts pulling him down into a sleep that he was never sure if he and Moon would be allowed to wake up from. As he was pulled under, Sun pressed his fingers together tightly so that he could feel the shape of the rings you gave them one more time, in case they decided not to let them wake up.

They did of course, but the fear didn't go away, especially when he woke up wincing. Electric pain dancing across the inside of his head and from the base of his rays out to the tips and back down.

"Get back to the daycare, attendant." The voice of the parts and services worker called down from the safety of the screen that separated the maintenance staff from the animatronics. Kept safe from them, like he was as volatile as Moon.


"Am I wrong?" He shot back.

"What was that?" The parts and services technician snapped.

"I...s-s-sorry, I was...Moon and...I-I-I'll justgo." He stuttered out, jumping up and leaving the parts and services room, looking for the brightest paths to hurry back to the daycare through. Unless he was being dragged down to the parts and services room he tried not to leave the daycare. The memories around the plex just seemed to agitate Moon more than necessary, the virus twisting memories into ghosts to haunt them.

"Every night the devil comes and walks through Dancy's dreams." The memory of the song you used to play drifted over the daycare speakers, except it didn't.

"Stopstopstop!" Sun demanded of his own mind, his hands coming up to pull at his rays. Ghosts and memories dancing just out of reach.

Squeeze your hands together instead, Sun. They will make us go back to parts and services if you rip one of the rays off. Moon reminded him, pushing through his own fog. He could do that on occasion, but it was getting rarer, and he could usually only do it when it was just them, alone with no one else there to stimulate him.

The ABCs of Managing your Daycare attendant. (Sun/MoonXReader)Where stories live. Discover now